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"safe, i want you to stay safe."

"be careful!"

"be a bit more careful, izuku!"

"stay safe, baby!"

"be careful, okay?"

"izuku, you know to be careful, right?"

yes, yes izuku does know how to be careful and stay safe. he fucking knows to be careful, and it's all he's tried to be his whole entire life.

be careful my ass is all that's streaming through izuku's mind as drives to katsuki's house, his vision muddled by tears. he's got the cash; the $63.19 right on the console. he's going to put it in katsuki's mailbox because he fucking won. he won the petty stupid bet that he could make izuku feel pain. izuku sure as hell knows this is what pain feels like, the utterly lonely and betraying feeling of heartbreak.

and damn katsuki, damn him for leading izuku on like that. after all izuku had done, katsuki goes straight back to hanta?

anger burns in the deepest parts of izuku as his pressure on the gas pedal increases. he's whipping around corners, determined to get to katsuki's; determined to let him know what he's done.

tears blur his vision as he drives the petty one mile to katsuki's house. he can't see, but he doesn't care. his rage and sadness force him to keep going. and, maybe he should've pulled over to wipe his eyes and calm down before he hit that tree on the corner of katsuki's street, but, he didn't.


"w-what?" katsuki asks as his mother rushes into katsuki's room with the news.

"izuku got into an accident, katsuki! he's under intensive care at the hospital." mitsuki repeats, tears filling her eyes.

katsuki's not quite comprehending what's happening, his izuku, in an accident? where was he going this late? katsuki was positive that he was at home, katsuki had even dropped him off!

"let's go!" mitsuki demands, katsuki whipping up out of his bed and out the door. there's no time to change clothes, his izuku is hurt.

the drive to the hospital is antagonizing, katsuki's on the edge of his seat. his mind is racing, izuku



surely, katsuki thinks, this is a sick joke. izuku wouldn't be out this late. he would be on tumblr, or reading a book, or even sleeping, but not driving!

it only dawns on katsuki that this is real when he walks into the hospital and sees izuku's body, covered by a blanket, being pushed down the hospital hallway. inko is sobbing, walking behind the gloomy looking nurses.

"i-zu?" katsuki calls out to his boyfriend, whom lays with his eyes shut, a large gash cutting across his forehead. katsuki doesn't want to see what's under the blanket, because it's sure as hell not his izuku's body.

katsuki starts throwing up when izuku's body is wheeled closer and katsuki sees the light blue tint to his boyfriend's skin. one nurse who had been previously helping push izuku comes to katsuki's assistance, leading him to the bathroom. he continues to empty his stomach until there is nothing left.

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