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"think about going on another date with me." katsuki commands, then takes it back. "sorry, that was really straightforward. was this, like, okay? i-i mean, would you, uh, go on another with me? another date, that is. i mean-it's fine if you wouldn't-just,"

"do i need to shut you up?"

"if you mean by punching me in the face, no -i wouldn't like-"

izuku cuts off katsuki's rambling by kissing him, and, at first, katsuki's stuck in shock, until he begins to move his lips along with izuku's. it's slow and nice, with izuku leaning over the console of katsuki's car. and, as pathetic as it is, izuku's never been kissed before, not in all his nineteen years. ( unless you count a little girl named himiko in kindergarten, but izuku doesn't. )

and, izuku thinks, it feels really fucking great to be kissing katsuki right here, right now, and he'd not rather be anywhere else. also, he thinks that he could probably stay here forever with katsuki, and never stop kissing him, that's how much he loves it. he knows it's not just the kissing part he likes, it's definitely the katsuki part, too. izuku knows that if it was anyone else, it wouldn't feel this way.

alas, both boys eventually have to breathe, so they part slightly, forehead resting on forehead, and smile at each other.

"i don't usually kiss on the first date," izuku says, and it's not exactly a lie, because he's only been on, what, three dates? and, on none of them did he kiss the other person, but, then again, he never went on any second dates, either. "but, you're an exception."

"i always kiss on the first date," katsuki teases, looking into izuku's fascinating green eyes. "just kidding."

izuku is about to reply, when katsuki cuts him off.

"i'm just wondering, why didn't we paint my room the color of your eyes? they're so much prettier, and, plus, if my room was the color of your eyes, it would feel like you were always with me, surrounding me."

"i don't know, why didn't we?" izuku replies, thinking. "oh, yeah, that's right. you asked me what color i wanted to paint your room, and what kind of freak would i be if i told you a guy i just met-to paint your room the color of my eyes?"

"touché," katsuki says. "maybe we should re-paint it."

"but isn't there paint, like, everywhere? that would be one hell of a mess to clean up."

"well, yeah.." katsuki trails.

"but, whatever, we can do that, if you want," izuku replies, "it was fun the first time, i'm sure it'll be fun the second. but, promise me, we'll paint my room, too?"

"yes, of course," katsuki smiles, giving izuku a finally little peck on the lips before pulling his head away. "let's get you home, then."

"do i have to go home?" izuku whines, pouting.

"yes, izu," katsuki smiles. "won't your mother be worried?"

"i'm nineteen, katsuki." izuku responds, deadbeat.

"so? i know your mom."

"so do i."

"let's not fight about this," katsuki frowns. "what would you like to do, then, beside go home?"

"would you like to go out to eat? it's been, what, three hours since we ate those sandwiches? i'm up for something." izuku suggests, though he doesn't really feel hungry. he never has, y'know.

"uh, sure. where?"

"drive-through, preferably."

"mcdonald's is open all night, yeah?"

"okay, sounds good."

and so, they drive to the nearest mcdonald's, which is fifteen minutes away. on the way there, the two boys play the alphabet game -you know, the one where you have to find all the letters of the alphabet on road signs? -and they get up to x, because goddamn x is always the party pooper.

"you know what?" katsuki asks, as they pull up to mcdonald's.


"when i graduate, i'm going to open a store called 'katsuki's zappy yodeling wombat xylophones'."

"good luck with that." izuku snorts, shaking his head fondly at this boy next to him.

when katsuki pulls up to the drive-through, a voice comes through a little speaker asking him what he wants. he quick turns to izuku and asks him what he wants, before turning back at telling the little speaker.

soon, they're taking their food from a window-after paying, of course-and driving away.

"you know how gross mcdonald's food really is?" katsuki asks izuku as he eats a french-fry.

"yeah, but guess what doesn't care?"

"either of us, i guess." katsuki smiles, taking a fry from izuku, and chuckling when he pouts.

katsuki keeps glancing over at izuku, because he can't help but love watching izuku eat. it's like, he looks so adorable when he eats and katsuki doesn't really know why he thinks that, because izuku just eats like a normal person, but apparently cuter.

eventually, izuku finishes eating, and he hadn't even noticed that katsuki had been admiring him the whole time, because izuku just really loves food.

"oh, shit." izuku says abruptly. "katsuki, can you pull over?"

"yeah, is something wrong?"

"uhm, no, i just don't want my bladder to explode." and then izuku face-palms, because isn't that a charming thing to say on a first date?

but, it's true, really, because izuku hadn't peed since yesterday and he figures that he probably needs to, and his mom didn't remind him today because he wasn't with her, so. here he is, peeing on the side of the road, while katsuki sits awkwardly in the car, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

when izuku comes back in, he's relieved that he remembered before his bladder exploded, so katsuki didn't have to see him die a horrible, bladder-explosional death. ( his bladder probably wouldn't explode.. because he'd just pee himself like a normal person, but. )

"home?" katsuki asks, pulling the car back onto the road.


so katsuki takes the next turn, and drives izuku back to his house, as he offered. when he drives into izuku's drive-way, izuku gets out and katsuki watches him walk away, until izuku turns back, with a knowing look on his face, and shouts "stop staring at my ass, bakugou!"

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