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"stay right there. are you being serious? really?" izuku asks, as katsuki had just told him that he was speaking with hanta again.

"yeah, i don't know. i don't like to hold grudges, i guess." katsuki shrugs.

"i don't know if that's a good idea, katsuki." izuku says in a condescending tone.

"i know what i'm getting into, izuku. just because i will speak to him and not want to punch him in the face every time i see him doesn't mean i want to fuck him."

izuku swallows hard, and does not like the image he has picture in his mind. "okay," izuku responds, "but, don't let him tempt you."

"i won't, izu. you're my one and only, remember?"

"but the way he talks to you..." izuku trails, remembering the day on the golf course. i loved him; i still do, hanta had said, and that itself was enough to drive izuku up the wall in jealousy.

"i don't have feelings for him, anymore. just for you." katsuki wraps izuku into a hug, but it doesn't calm his nerves.

"what if he tries to do something with you?"

"i wouldn't let him, izu."


"promise." katsuki puckers his lips and leans down to meet izuku for a kiss.

"i love you."

"and i love you."


"there's this party tonight," eijiro says as he sits next to katsuki in english.

"i am not going to a party with you." katsuki replies, bluntly.

"no! bring izuku. it's at neito's house, he asked me to invite you two. it's at ten."

"uh, i'll ask izu about it."

"okay, i hope to see you there!" eijiro says as the bell rings and the class is dismissed.


after school, katsuki walks over to izuku's to ask him if he wants to go to the party. he walks up to the door and before he can even knock, izuku's bright, smiling face is opening the door to greet him.

"what's up?" izuku asks as he walks back into the living room of his house, katsuki hot on his heals.

"i-we were invited to a party."


"neito monoma? you know him?"

"erm, yeah, the name seems familiar." izuku sits down on the couch, and katsuki sits next to him.

izuku crawls up and straddles katsuki's lap, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. "of course i'll go to a party with you, if that's what you want."

"well, i don't really care if we do go, or not." katsuki shrugs, looking into izuku's amazingly green eyes.

"let's live a little. what time's it at?"


"okay. we have time to burn, then." izuku smirks before kissing katsuki's jaw. "my mom's not home; she won't be for a few hours."

"i like where this is going." katsuki smiles cheekily before turning izuku's body over so that he's laying flat on the couch.

katsuki hovers over izuku, his fingers playing with the edge of izuku's red t-shirt.

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