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"so, why'd you move?" izuku inquires, still with katsuki in his empty room.

"my mom got a job offer. i didn't really get a say in whether we were moving or not, but i don't really mind." katsuki replies, leaning his back against the wall. he makes standing look so casual; one foot pressed against the wall, his back arched slightly and his hands in his pockets. "just wondering, how old are you?"

"nineteen. yourself?"

"eighteen." katsuki says. izuku is a bit shocked, katsuki's deep voice and tall, slim, muscular body threw him off.

"are you still in school?"

"yeah, but this is my last year." katsuki pauses. "are you planning to go to uni?"

"my mother won't let me, yet." izuku answers shyly. moments like this are when izuku wishes his mom wasn't so protective.

"what? why not?" katsuki arches an eyebrow.

"well, uh, because of my condition." izuku answers. he thinks that's about half of the truth; the other half is that izuku's mom would be utterly lonely without her son to obsess over.

"and, that is?"

"i already said, i'm not going to tell you." izuku sighs. "i don't want-never mind."

katsuki doesn't reply, just looks at his hands-which he took out of his pockets. just as katsuki's about to make conversation again, inko comes to the door of his room.

"izuku, we have to get to your appointment with dr. archambault." she says, and izuku looks up at katsuki with pursed lips.

"come over again soon?" katsuki suggests and izuku gives a nod. as izuku walks away, his foot hits the bottom of the door frame and katsuki winces at the sharp sound. izuku, however, looks unaffected. "izuku, you alright?"

"hmm?" izuku asks.

"your foot, didn't that hurt?"

"oh, uh, yeah. i'm good at hiding it." izuku lies. "hurts like hell."

he doesn't really know why he's lying to katsuki, but he doesn't want katsuki to view him as a freak. that's probably why, izuku reasons.

"well, bye." katsuki raises an eyebrow, confused by izuku's strange behavior.

"bye, katsuki." izuku says as he walks down the stairs, following his mother.

"goodbye, mitsuki." izuku's mom says as they exit the house. izuku notes that mitsuki is her first name, obviously.

izuku and his mom then drive to the doctor's, and when they arrive dr. archambault pulls izuku into a room without his mother.

"did anything happen today?"

"uh, i bit off a fingernail.. and, uh, stubbed my toes, i think." izuku replies.

"okay, well, let's have a look."


dr. archambault then has izuku take off his shoe on the foot that got hurt. he inspects it, and nothing looks bad-no swelling or such. then, he gives izuku some antibacterial creme to put on his fingernail bed. as izuku puts this in his pocket, his shirt rides up a touch so that the doctor sees izuku's bare hip.

"izuku, could you lift up your shirt? i think i saw something." sure enough, when izuku does as told, they see a blue-gray bruise on the milky skin of his hip. "do you know what this is from?" dr. archambault asks and izuku wracks his brain.

"i think i hit it on the door as i walked into my room?" he doesn't sound so sure, but it's the best theory he's got.

"well, be extra careful to not put pressure on it for the next few days." the doctor tells.

"alright. i think my mother would like to talk to you.." izuku trails and dr. archambault nods.

they get up simultaneously and walk out the door. inko is in the waiting room, reading a magazine about the latest scandals of some huge celebrities that no one really gives a shit about.

the doctor and inko walk further into the hallway, and izuku takes that as his clue to not listen in on this.

he walks into the waiting area and sits on the couch, not paying attention to his surroundings. that is, not until a little boy runs over his feet. his mother runs after him, and once he's caught, she carries him over to izuku.

"apologize to the young man. you probably hurt him, kota!" she demands her son. the son looks up at izuku with wide eyes.

"it's okay, ma'am. it didn't hurt. trust me." izuku says the last bit to himself.

"he needs to apologize! he can't just run around hurting people like that!"

"honestly, he didn't hurt me. he's fine, and so am i."

"say sorry, kota." the woman demands and izuku sighs.

"i'm sorry." kota says, looking at his feet.

obviously satisfied, the woman walks away without another glance in izuku's direction. she didn't really give a shit about izuku's well being, only the manners of her son. which, izuku supposes, is probably better than not giving a shit about either. still, izuku is glad his mother isn't like that.

speaking of his mother, she is soon walking out with dr. archambault.

"what'd you guys talk about?" izuku asks as they exit the building.

"oh, nothing." she lies.



"seriously." izuku whines.

"i am serious. let's go. watch your step." inko commands as she walks down the steps in the front of the building. she slightly reaches out her hand for izuku to take, so he won't fall, but she immediately retracts it, because izuku is 19, and he wouldn't accept the offer, anyway.

"you watch your step." izuku snaps, frustrated that his mother won't tell him what she and the doctor were talking about.

"don't be smart with me."

"i just don't want you to get hurt." izuku mocks.

"shut up."

"thanks, mom."

the rest of the walk to the car is silence, purely izuku literally watching his feet take steps, to make a point. the car ride is silent, too. when they get home, izuku goes straight to his room, not in the mood to listen to one of his mother's notorious rants. izuku thinks she may have some kind of problem with her temper; she loses it quite easily.

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