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"before you escape to your room, tell me. how was it?" inko asks izuku when he comes back into the house with a giant smile plastered on his face.

"great." izuku says, elated. it probably couldn't have gone better, in izuku's point of view.

"that's fantastic, hun!" inko smiles, walking up to izuku. "mitsuki is starting you on that drug tomorrow, right?"


izuku is definitely excited. if this works, he will no longer have to be reminded to eat or pee or be careful. those are his least favorite words-be careful-because they have been seared into his brain over and over and over again.

eventually, the two stop talking and izuku retreats back to his room, where he puts on pajamas and flops onto his bed, pulling his laptop into his lap. he logs onto tumblr and reblogs some things before deciding it's probably an appropriate time to go to sleep.

he's so giddy, though, so as he tries to sleep, he can't stop smiling into his pillow.


"but, mom, we have to!" katsuki whines to his mother while they walk around the supermarket.

"we don't have to." mitsuki raises her eyebrows, looking up at her son.

it's hard to be in control when your son is a foot taller than you.

"yes, we do." katsuki replies, taking a tub of paint remover off its shelf.

mitsuki groans, "fine."

"yay! thank you, mommy!" katsuki smiles, kissing his mother on the cheek before scurrying off to the paint section to get the right shade of green to match izuku's eyes.

he stops in the green section, and it's a tough selection, with all the green that look so similar. he settles for forest green.

he grabs a two cans and hurrys back to his mother, whom is browsing the magazines in the front of the store. the two of them then proceed to the checkout line, where a teenage girl named mina-as stated on her nametag- is ringing them up.

they leave soon after, and mitsuki drives katsuki home but then goes to the clinic. usually today is her day off, but she promised izuku she would start him on naxolone today.

when she gets there, izuku is already sitting in the waiting room. mitsuki smiles at him and gestures for him to follow her into her office.

"hi, izuku. how are you doing, today?"


"okay. great. so, there's two ways you can take naxolone. you can take it in pill form, or i can give it to you in a syringe."

"pills, please."

"and, i suggest you don't tell people that you are on this drug, because it does have other uses. one being that it is used for opium addicts."

"oh." izuku hadn't known that, and now he feels a bit strange, that he's going to be using the same drug that an opium addict would use. he shrugs it off, taking a small pill out of mitsuki's hand. she gives him a little disposable cup, filled with water. he puts the pill on his tongue and gulps the water, the pill going down easily.

"now, remember, this doesn't always work. if it doesn't go into effect in three week's time, then we will know it doesn't work on you, and take you off of it immediately."


mitsuki performs a few more tests on izuku, and once it's determined that he is not hurt, she let's him go.

izuku begins his walk home, but as he passes katsuki's house, katsuki comes outside and begins walking with izuku.

"so, you up for some painting?" katsuki asks, sillily hooking his and izuku's arms together.

"hmm, sure." izuku replies, so the pair turns around and heads up to katsuki's house, where -obviously-they will be painting.

izuku sends a quick text to his mom so she won't be worried, before putting on another one of katsuki's old shirts.

when izuku enters katsuki's room, it seems that katsuki's already done all the hard work. that being, moving the furniture, getting the red paint off the floor, and putting masking tape around the windows and corners of the walls.

katsuki then walks into his room, carrying a large stack of newspaper.

"my mom told me to try and not get it on the floor this time." katsuki sheepishly smiles, handing izuku half of the stack.

the boys then lay the newspaper on the ground, covering up any and all of the hardwood they see. once they finish that, katsuki hands izuku and paint roll and pan, and they get to work.

they aren't so hyper this time around, so they actually paint the walls like normal people. ( well, besides for when katsuki snuck up behind izuku and tickled his sides so that he dropped his roll, because he needed payback from the first time. )

"my walls are totally, definitely better than yours." izuku smirks, admiring his masterpiece of walls.

katsuki knows it's true, really, izuku's walls are better.

"shut up." katsuki pouts, looking at his own two walls. "maybe you just should have done all of it."

"maybe i should have." izuku teases, mostly because he thinks it's really cute when katsuki pouts.

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