Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Soundless, the world was soundless during that moment our eyes met. It was as if we were in our own paradise. I smiled at you hoping to gain a recognition smile from your shocked face. 1,2,3 that was all it took for you to look away and break this enchanting curse. You turned away as if I wasn't there. She latched into your arm as if she owned you. It looked as if you couldn't care less. My heart was
Stabbed at. That night I felt you making love to her. Even yet you gave her the mark I was suppose to bear.

She showed it off the next day. In everyone's eyes you were the cutest mated couple. I was the same nobody I was ever since I was born.

Even when our eyes met again yours showed no expression. It was emotionless. I was a stranger. I guess this was the way it felt when your mate didn't love you.

I wonder if you knew I cried silently during nights. I wonder if you knew my pain. You hadn't even rejected me properly yet. I seemed an answer but was afraid.

One day as I went back home. I had bruises on my arms from the bullying of some of the girls from our pack. You looked at me with a shocked expression. Taking that opportunity, I made it a figure if a sign of affection.

Every gesture you shown, I made it out to be a sign of affection. I was only lying to myself to keep me from falling apart. I lied to keep myself from realizing the truth. I lied only to protect myself from reality. Sometimes when I saw what I had become, I'd became scared. I often thought of suicide and other thoughts. I realized how dumb and stupid and complicated I was. All for a man. I laughed at that thought but I'd soon cry. I'd then go back to my lying ways. Can you feel the pain?

2 months later
I sat at my lonely table. Nobody sits with me. I'm not an omega but a weak warrior in my mates pack. The chattering inside the cafeteria cut lose when the 5 alphas made their way jn. They had girls clinging on them except the weakest alpha. Though he was weak, he had the strongest pack. Though he was weak he was the most feared. He was also nasty and cruel. He killed for pleasure and was cold hearted. He always had this cold gaze. Though he was weak he was feared by everyone except the other Alphas. Though the other Alphas didn't fear him they certainly did not want to anger him. If they did anything towards him that meant war, though he could easily be beaten, his pack would not be.

And of course my mate had his mate with him. she was Clinging to his arm as usual. I looked down at my lap just before their lips made contact with each other. I looked at my clenched fist as my heart tightened in pain. Throughout the whole time I stayed like that. I didn't touch any of my food. I just stayed like that until lunch was over. I quickly went to my next class and sat down. the rest of the day was like usual. I finally went home, the pack house, after school was over. I took a shower and layed on the bed.. Recalling the thoughts about today, tears slowly slipped out of my eyes. I quickly recollected myself as I rembered having patrol duty. I ran into my bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I quickly dried it off with a towel. I then put in my shoes and ran out into my patrolling area.

6 hours had passed. it was currently 9. I could back at 10. so far no rogues. I decided to take a rest as I was tired from the constant running.

I felt butterflies as soon as his scent made way to my nose. I stood up, turned around, and bowed my head down. I heard the crunching of the leaves with each heavy step he took. He stop in front of me.

"A rogue slipped by. It was in your area. What have you been doing?" He said.

Shocked I spoke with fear, "I'm sorry I was not aware. I'm sorry alpha."

"We took care of it already. If this ever happens again you will receive 15 lashings."

"Yes Alpha."

"Continue you work."

"Yes Alpha"

Feeling completely embarrassed and ashamed I lowered my head. How could I be so stupid! The sound of his steps were farther and farther. Being curious I raised my head. His broad, manly back was facing away from. Realizing the circumstances we were alone together for once. Should I risk it. My heart was beating in anxiety pondering over my decision.Taking a deep breath I decided to call out to him.

"Do you know who I am?" I shouted.

He turned around. I had a glance of his handsome face. He had his right eyebrow raised with a questioning cold glare. I automatically looked down ashamed of my actions.

"Don't speak to me rudely mutt. You're just a lowly pack warrior I can throw out any moment."

The words he spoke stabbed my heart. Holding my head down, I suppressed the tears from coming out. With the most controlled calm voice I could muster I apologized.

"Forgive me Alpha for my rudeness."


I soon heard the crunching of the leaves again. Slowly my tears poured out. Still looking down, ashamed but mostly heartbroken, I let the sadness pour out of me through tears. I silently wept. I soon fell down on my knees as I seemed to not be able to hold myself up.

Crying for the next ten minutes, I wiped away my tears with my hand using my hands to support my legs. When I finally got up I resumed my patrol duty. After 15 minutes of patrolling, I stopped as I smelt a powerful scent. It was very familiar. It was no rouge. It was an Alpha. I quickly got into a defensive position and started looking around me. It was dark. I only saw the black figure of the trees. Everything was silent except for the hooting of the Owls and the chirping of the bugs.

The constant sounds were broken by the offbeat evil chuckle that sounded if a man's. I kept turning my head trying to figure where the perpetrator was. Without warning I was grabbed behind, a hand over my mouth muffling my scream and a hand digging into my back. My hands automatically went towards my mouth trying to pry off the enemy's hand. My actions being useless I was suddenly dragged as his hand that was on my back was now wrapped around my stomach and supporting a part of my back. Leaning backwards I couldn't see the person's face but judging from his built frame, large hands, and scent, he was a male Alpha.

Trying my best to get out of his locking chain arms, he only squeezed me harder. He kept on dragging me. One of my shoes fell off as my feet kept on being dragged on the ground. My flesh was soon cut open by the hardness and sharp objects on the ground.

We kept on for a very long time. I along the way gave up trying to resist as he would just overpower me and squeeze me harder making my attempts futile.

Without warning, he was suddenly hit by something as we both were shoved into a tree. I hit it first as he hit it second pushing me in. I was shirt on breath from the impact. I think I hit my head as I started feeling very dizzy. Before I closed my eyes losing conscious, I heard a loud growl and caught a glimpse of a big white wolf who happened to be right where the moon shone. It was beautiful................

I was awoken to a loud booming. Startled I shot right up. I quickly looked at my surroundings. Everything was pitch black. There was a little light coming from one side as there seemed to be a window covering the whole wall. I think I was in a room. There was what I think wood flooring. My heart quickness in fear as I felt so alone. Tears started to flow out of my eyes.

"Those tears are entertaining. It makes me feel great seeing how such a sissy thing can scare you. It almost makes me," there was a short pause, "want to wrangle your neck."

"Who are you!" I screamed. I backed away from the where the voice came from but was soon met with a wall. He chuckled. My question was answered when he walked into the light. His face was terrifying making my skin crawl at the sight of his wicked smile. There I saw him. The weakest, yet cruelest alpha of them all, Alpha Hyde Woods.

Authors note
Everything might be a little confusing as of right now since I haven't haven names for any character except for one. It will make sense later on in the story. I hope you guys liked the first part.


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