Chapter 13

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Hyde was waken up by the morning sunlight making its way through the windwow as the sun was shining. Recalling yesterdays's events, he got up in a hurried manner. Looking at the corner he saw her sleeping. He stared at her a few moments but quickly looked aways as soon as he saw one of her eyes pop open.

"Morning." He says

"Good morning." She replies back.

After getting ready, He drives her to school and and actually starts a conversation.

"I never heard what your name was." He says

"Adira." She stated. He looked at her like he was signaling her to elaborate more. "Adira Knight"

"I call you that from now on." After that silence fills the rest of the ride.

In the walk into the school side by side. As they pass, some look at them, some are bowing down to Alpha Hyde. On the way, they pass 2 of the Alphas. One being Wade.

Adira doesn't look towards him at all staring straight ahead. Wade looks back at her and then slowly retreating his face towards the ground.

Deeply inside his heart, subsiding the pain of wanting to caress the beauty in front of him, he held the desire within him. His heart burned in pain, rage, and sadness. As both Adira and his despicable brother passed him, he eyed his brother with a stare full of hate. If only you knew, he thought thinking of Adira. I'm sorry Adira. If only you knew....

You could hear the soft thudding of skin. One of the most horribelest sounds yu could hear.The classroom was quiet. Inside two warrior wolves angered at each other fought. Adira backed away in fear trying to get as far away as possible. Other wolves did the same to avoid angering the fighting wolves further. Though there were other pack warriros inside the classroom, they knew not to get involved becasue if they did, consequences would be dire. The teachers was not present during that time.

Inside class, both Hyde and Wade felt a pinch in their heart, as if something was wrong. Automatically Wade knew his mate was in danger. Hyde didn't know Adira was in danger, but he knew that something was wrong.

"Can-" Wade started but was interuppeted by Hyde

"I'm leaving" Hyde said in a very solid and strong voice.

"And why so Alpha Hyde. This is class, not your pack where you can go do whatever you want." The teacher said unwavering. Once a Luna, she did not waver under these men who held authority.

"Because I NEED to. I'll deal with the consequences later." Hyde says as he rushes out the classroom.

Before he makes it out he hears "I'll make sure your father knows of this." The teahers says.

He replies "Sure Bi**h"

Walking out of the room, he walks quickly knowing where to go. He wasn't sure what it was but it was as if he NEEDED to go. He felt unsettled, felt a little fear. He wondered what it was. He was scared his mate was in danger.

The window was broken from one boy punching. His fist bled. There was lots of blood. The girls crowded back into the door, the more mean and dominant ones in the very back. Adira was in the very front close to where the combat was taking place. Some boys were in the cluster of girls avoiding to be hit. Though they were wolves, it still hurt to be hit. Some people were just unconcerened as they backed away and looked at the fight unstartled. There was one boy, Jayden Grey, a loser that didn't give a sh** about anything based on his attitude that stayed in his desk and slept.

Adira's heart beated rapidly as the two boys threw punches at each other. Stumbling, falling, getting up, punch. Slowly they came closer. The cluster shifted to avoid their punching throws. Unexpecteandly, Adira was pushed. She lost her footing. Her heart stopped. She started falling towards the fighting men falling towards the course of where the next punch would be thrown. Everything in was in slow motion. She saw the fist coming at her as she was falling mid air. At last moment she closed her eyes flinching away. She heard a soft thud...... and then a horrid scream. She fell onto the ground. She didn't get hit. She opened her eyes. In front of her stood his broad back. He held the boy's fist tightly. The boy's fist almost looked broken. He cried in pain.

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