Chapter 11

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Mine. Those words ring in my ear. Mine. I walk through the hallways. Days past. Life is the same. Alpha Hyde treats me the same. Cold and distant. Rejection hurts. Constantly my mind is filled with Wade. My dearest Wade, who.... who threw me away. Some nights, Alpha Hyde never comes back. Some times I'm all alone. There are some nights I just so cold. It almost feels as if I was freezing. Some nights, that burning sensation comes back. It burns. It hurts. Tears trickly out. Alpha Hyde never comes back when that happens. The pain is quite unbearable. Pain. That's just how you described it. I don't think there was another word that could describe it.

1 month later

Fall is here. Everything is the same. I don't really talk to anyone. Just a few words here and there to Tyler and then to Alpha Hyde. The rejection still hurts. They say time will heal, but I haven't done much healing. Just looking at him hurts. It's enough to make my heart hurt to the point where I grab my chest and start having a hard time breathing. I wonder, if he regrets. Does he hurt the way I hurt. He's not this heartless right? No that's a silly question. He couldn't love her if he didn't have one. School ended. I was waiting for Alpha Hyde to come out. He came. He got inside the car as well as I. No words were exchanged. When going to put the key in the ignition, he accidently dropped the key onto the console. I went out grab it. Without knowing until he touched me, Alpha Hyde went get it too. After touching me, he automatically pulled his hand back as if he touched something disguistiing. Surprised I looked at him. He looked at me shocked and surprised. Was there something wrong. I quickly grabbed the key. Still in his daze I flashed the key in front of him. He finnally seemed to wake up from his daze and took the key out of my hands. We went pack to his pack house and I again stayed in the room all thoughts wondering what was it he saw that made him react like that.

(story continues on from a 3rd person view. It is no longer Adira's view. I will be telling the story.)

A little bewildered, Hyde walked down the hallway towards the pack doctor's room. Without knocking he busted open the door. A little surprsiesed at what he saw, he quickly turned around. The she wolf who was with the pack doctor at that time, quickly scrabled out of the door half naked while bowing down and quickly leaving. After leaving, Hyde turns toward the pack doctor who had his pants on and barely his shirt. After putting on his shirt, the pack doctor who went by Jake bowed his head.

"My deepest apologies, Alpha."

"If you were decent ennough, you wouldn't be bringing these girls into your room. You have a mate out there. Imagine if she was doing that."

Jake growled at that thought. At first he was angered but then he felt ashamed and sad. He did have a mate but it had been 2 years already. But just as the Alpha said, he wouldn't have wanted his mate to be with another.

"I'm sorry. I'll keep your words in mind." Jake said ashamed. Alpha Hyde looked at Jake with sadness recalling the betrayal his mate had done. Jake stared at the groundn in silence waiting for ALpha Hyde to say something to him. It finnaly got awkaward.

"Alpha Hyde, if you don't mind, may I ask what you came here for?" Knocked out of his daze, ALpha Hyde lookoed at Jake.

"I came for some help." Alpha Hyde did not know where to start. "What does it mean when a person has cold skin?"

Surprised Jake looked up. Cold skin he thought..... That isn't good. "Could you please elaborate more as we walk to my office." Jake immediately got up and started wallking to the office, the ALpha following behind him.

"Well, I touched her and her skin was icy cold. It felt like a burn... as if I had put it in fire and afterwords it stung. Her face was pale and her eyes..dull. But I'm postive it was cold." Alpha Hyde continued.

Jake opened the door to his office and immediately went to his files cabinet searching. Alpha Hyde took a seat lesiruley. After a few moments Jake came out and sat in the chair in front of Alpha Hyde.

"This girl, was she rejected?" Jake asked anxiious of the answer.

"Yes.... she was I beleive. I'm not sure, but she's been seperated from her mate."

Jake sort of had an idea of who this girl was. It could've been possibly the girl taht Alpha Hyde brought in months ago. He sighed.

"She has a sickness called Frozen. It when a mate rejects another mate. The rejected mate, if she does not accept or does not find another love, she will die soon. Considering it is now fall, she won't make it until next spring. If I'm accurate, she will be cold to others, but she won't feel anything. She might have trouble breathing if she sees the mate who rejected her or experience pain. This happens sometimes but not all the time but she might have nose bleeds from the coldness within her body. This sickness is when the heart is broken and has no wiill to live on."

"So then, there's notihing that can stop it?" Hyde asked.

"As far as I know, a new love, or for her mate to come back and love her."

"And that new love could be anyone?"

"Anyone." Jake nodded.

Frustrated, Hyde rested his face in his hands. "She can't die before then. What should I do?"

"I feel that the only possible solution is to find another rejected wolf to love her. In that way, they can both heal each other, although it may be hard. Rejected wolves are hard to come by. "

After that, Hyde did not say anything as he was in deep though. After a while he left Jake's offfice without a word. 

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