It was a thunder storm. The clouds roared with amazing fury striking the ground as the rain fell hard onto the the ground. Adira awoken and stood up for her bed only to realize that her feet were soaked. There was water on the ground.
"What in the world?" She questioned. She was chilled by the coldness of the water. She tried to turn on the light but it just flickered then died. She sighed and pulled out a candle and matches from her drawer and lit the candle. Slowly she walked out of her room as she silently swished the water around.
She was surprised to see the whole hall flooded with water. She was a bit scared. She turned on the light but a few sparks came out and then it died. She walked a few steps down the halls and was suddenly startled by a woman who popped up.
"Ahh!" She yelped.
"Oh jeez. You scared me! I guess your room is flooded too right?" The woman asked. Adira nodded. "Well follow me. I'll lead you to the library where everyone else is at. The woman also had a candle of her own.
"What happened?" Adira asked.
"Stupid Fred had a little too much fun with his girlfriend in the bathroom that they suddenly knocked then sink off making the water facet explode. The waters covered the whole first floor and 2nd hence your room. And the electricity," she paused as he looked up, "thunder."
He woman led Adira through some turns and finnaly opened the door into the library. It was packed with many people as the room was lit up by many candles except for then very top where all the books were. It was a very large room with three stories. It was quite noisy as many people were having conversations.
"Well see you. I got to go." The woman said as she took her leave after Adira thanked her.
Adira took a corner and sat by herself as she felt out of place. She slowly nudged off to sleep but was awoken to a slight tap on her shoulder.
She squinted her eyes and found Tyler.
"Well look who we have here." Tyler smiled as he looked down at Adira.
"Hi." Adira said as she felt awkward.
"Hey follow me."
"What for?" Adira asked.
"Earlier I was up in the library trying to find an book but I couldn't find it. Can you help me?"
"You're asking the wrong persons this is the first time I've been here." Adira answered back.
"It's easy. Cmon." He forcibly took her arm and dragged her up to the third floor where there were many bookshelfs lined up one after another filled with books.
"This is huge. How are we supposed to find a book here? Especially with no light." Adira asked as she glanced down at the little flame Tyler carried.
"Here take this." He handed her his candle. "It's called "night" ok. You go right I go left ok."
"Wait what? We are splitting up?"
"Well yeah it's faster this way."
"What about light?"
"I have good night Vision. Anyway just go." Tyler started walking. Off to the left side of the floor.
Adira took a deep breath and looked to the right which was eerie and dark. There were nothing but bookshelfs and books. She looked back at Tyler to her dismay already disappeared in the midst of the bookshelfs. She sighed and trudged forward to her right sulking about life.
She walked between the bookshelfs holding the light up to the books looking diligently for "night""
"Nope, nope, nope." She said as she quietly talked to herself. It didn't take long for her to figure out that she was lost. She tried to go back the way she came from but couldn't find her way out. Her heart pounded. She was scared. She held in her tears. "Oh goodness" she whispered as her fingers were icy cold. She walked through the book shelfs desperately trying to find light, any light. "Boom" the thunder roared. Making Adira jump. "Oh Jesus" she whispered.
Suddenly she felt a cold breeze coming from her right. It was the wrong moment for as soon as the wind met the blaze of fire shooting up from the candle, it died. Adira freaked out as she suddenly felt very alone. She heard a creaking noise from her right and realized that the window was open. She saw someone. Her body froze as it took all her might to move herself left. She fell and couldn't feel her legs. Right before she meet the ground she was caught. Someone caught her. She shut off all her senses as she held her breath and closed her eyes.
She heard a small chuckle. "Well look who we have here. I knew someone was snooping around here even after I told everyone the 2nd and 3rd floor was off limits. Turns out it was you."
Adira tuned out the person as she was freaking out. Help she screamed in her mind. Slowly she felt the person's hand creep up her face. He's gonna kill me. She slowly felt his face inch forward as she could fell his breath. She was slowly regaining her senses back as she gripped her hand into a fist. She felt a little touch on her lips.
Suddenly the light turned on and like a light switch, Adira's eyes opened as she let out a breath. She looked into closed eyes that flickered open to show green. His face turned a deep red as he quickly dropped her making her fall to the floor as he quickly pulled a book off the bookshelf and pretended as if he was reading it. He was shirtless and wet. Adira blushed but she wasn't as red as Hyde was.
Hyde coughed a little and turned to Adira who was looking at him flustered. He automatically turned back to his book blushing incredibly a deep scarlet red.
It's ok to hate me. I hate me too lol. Sorry for the long wait!

Caged Your Heart
Werewolf5 alphas of the werewolf school. 4 sexy, charming, and powerful Alphas and yet a weak one that had the strongest pack. My mate was one of the handsome alphas and the weakest alphas mate was my mate's girlfriend. He caged me in his room as hostage. M...