Chapter 43

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As Hyde came back to the room, he sat on the chair Adira occupied before. He laid his head down as he watched her chest rise and fall. He reached for her hand holding it to his cheek.

"Is it ok to love you even if you don't want me to?" He whispered. "Am I to selfish for wanting to cage your heart?" A tear slid down his face. "Am I not enough?" His voice cracked as he could only blame his flaws. He sat there for a while letting his tears fall. "I promise to do better, so can you just........ just please love me?" He cried silently staring at Adira. He stayed like that the whole night never finding sleep.

Adira woke up with the chirping of the birds. When she opened her eyes she was faced with Hyde who silently looked at her. Hyde held one of her hands. He looked tired. She sat up. She lifted her other hand to caress his face.

"Why didn't you sleep some more. You must be so tired." She said. Hyde used one of his hand to cover her hand that caressed his face. He took her hand by her fingers and brought it to his mouth to kiss.

"I'm ok." He said. As long as you are here, I'm ok he thought.

There were loud footsteps outside the door. Suddenly the door opened. Hyde shifted his eyes to the door in a cold glare. It was Tyler. But Tyler's face looked worried.

"Hyde, there's an emergency meeting. All the other Alphas are gathered. You need to go."

Hyde gave a look of annoyance. He eventually got up leaving Adira behind. Before he closed the door he gave her one last look and nodded. Adira smiled.

At the meeting, the other Alphas were there except for Wade. Hyde came in and took his seat.

"What's this about?" He said gruffly clearly annoyed.

One of the other Alphas spoke up. "It's Wade." Hyde raised one of his eyebrows. "He's not here anymore."

Surprised Hyde leaned forward on the table. "What do you mean?" He asked seriously.

"He left the territory. He left his pack. He left everything." The other alpha said.


Before wade went home, he had visited the water temple. He allowed the icy cold water to suck in his warm body. He went deeper and deeper as he submerged his head underwater. He stayed like that for a few minutes. When he reemerge, the water droplets slid off his face reflecting the moonlight. Then slowly, the snow started falling, one by one. And because the world in the forest was just too quiet, you could hear the silent sobs of the lone alpha who shoulders shook the winds, for the water droplets that fell from his face were mixed in with the tears of a heartbroken sadness. The sky was crying for him to in their own way, not hard, but softly.

Angela stood hidden behind a tree, watching Wade from afar. She held her mouth to her hand as she watch him break down. She quietly wept. She didn't know what was worse, not being loved, or watching the one you love heartbroken because the one they love didn't love them back. But really she already knew the answer to this. Anyday she would be scorned and hated by hmthw one she love rather than watching them so hurt by love.

She muffled her cries as her heart broke watching the one she love. Yet all she could do was just be a witness and bystander. In life, there are only certain things you can do, and here Angela knew that she could do nothing to ease his helpless heart. She was only able to sit and stare.

Wade stayed at the temple for a little longer and went back to the pack house. He went back to his room. He wasn't surprised to not see Angela there. She had been gone the past few days. He understood though. It was better this way. He got a bag and started to shove his clothes in. If he wanted to forget everything and be able to truly let go, he decided it was best to leave. To bring no attachments nor any memories. He could start anew and fresh. This was the only way for him.

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