Chapter 1 - Shit...

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(Izuku's POV)

"Hey mom!" I said while setting my bag down by the door.

"Hey sweetie! How was school?" she asks from the kitchen as I take seat in the living room. Ah yes, school. My own personal hell. Of course, she doesn't know that. She doesn't know that her precious son is constantly tormented by someone he used to consider his best friend. She doesn't know that all my little "accidents" were actually him, that all my scars are his doing. Well, at least most of them...

I just didn't have the heart to tell her.

"It was good mom. Still can't believe that I'm graduating soon."

"Oh, speaking of that," she says, entering the room with an envelope, "This came for you today. It's from UA." I quickly take the letter from her and open it. After reading for a minute or two, I start to cry.

"I got accepted!!!" I yell out as I tackle her in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!" We both sit there for the next couple of minutes, crying in each other's arms. Once we've both calmed down, she pulls away from me.

"This calls for a celebration! Now, you go get cleaned up and I'll call the Bakugo's over for dinner." My happiness completely disappears at this. Not my tormentor. Please. I just got away from him.

I keep my happy face on, to make sure she doesn't question me, while I ask her, "Actually, can it just be us tonight? I'll tell Kachan tomorrow."

"Nonsense this is a big day. Besides, I haven't seen Katsuki in a while. Now go change." she says before getting up to make the call. As soon as she's out of the room, I race down the hall and into the bathroom before my panic attack sets in.

(He's coming here, he's coming here, he's coming here) is all I can think about. I can't breathe. I'm losing my vision due to the tears. I end up completely blacking out. The next thing I know, I'm staring at a sink full of blood while my mom is calling me from the living room.

"Just a sec!" I yell back, frantically trying to clean the cuts and wrap my arms as quickly as possible.

"Well hurry up! Dinner's almost ready and the Bakugo's are here!"


I finally finish with my arms and move on to cleaning the sink. After that, I hide the blade again before going to my room to change. While changing, I can't help but wonder why I cut my arms. I've never cut my arms before. My thighs? Yeah, I've cut them more times than I can count, But never my arms. I've always tried to keep them clean, so mom doesn't notice.

I put on a long sleeve shirt and am changing my pants when there's a knock on my door. Before I can say anything, the door opens.

"Your mom told me to come and get you since 'you're close friends and change together for gym all the time.' Tch. She also said there's something she wants to tell us." I've finished putting my pants on when he walks over, "She doesn't know, does she?" He grabs my collar as he finishes his question.


Word Count : 572

I hope you enjoyed it! Remember, this is just the beginning. Also, sorry for the kinda cliffhanger. I always hate cliffhangers, so this hurts me to do.

Hope you have a good day/night!

See you in the next chapter chicks, bros, and non-binary hoes!

Yep... that was chapter 1. This whole thing started as a spite story due to someone wanting to make me feel like shit for liking this ship... Now, it's an empty shell of what it used to be...

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