Chapter 15 - Nicknames And Roommates

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Recap -

"C-can I?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Of course," he says, running his finger through my hair, causing me to purr. I close my eyes and try to just focus on his hand in my hair. Everything becomes so nice and peaceful. The last thing I remember is someone picking me up bridal-style before I fell asleep.


The week flies by faster than I would have liked it to. Before I know it, it's already Friday. I'm getting dressed for school, praying that Dabi is still going to let me go to his place for the night. I don't want to be alone in my room with my rapist.

Once dressed, I grab my bag and head to the living room. I set my bag next to the couch and go and put together the coffee thermos for Aizawa-sensei. Mom's in the kitchen currently making us a small and quick breakfast. Luckily, she's finished with breakfast right when I finish putting together the thermos of coffee.

Setting the thermos on the counter, I take a seat at the table with mom, and we chat while we eat breakfast. Today, it was just a quick and light plate of eggs and toast. I put my plate in the sink when I'm done, give my mom a kiss on the cheek, and grab my bag and thermos before putting my shoes on and heading to school.

Halfway to school, I run into Dabi who was walking towards my house.

"Hey Dabi! What are you doing?"

"Oh, hey angel. I was just heading to your house to talk to you and walk you to school."

We start walking towards UA while we chat.

"So, what'd you want to talk about?" I ask him.

"Oh, I was just going to ask if you're still planning on coming over after school tonight."

"Yeah, I was hoping to. If you're cool with that, of course. I don't want to intrude."

"It's no biggie. Besides, don't want you being around that douchebag. I'll come meet you at the gate once you get out of school, 'kay?"

"Sounds good, demon!"

"Hey! Moidoriya-san!" I hear someone yell.

I look up to see Kaminari-san running at me full force. Before I could even do anything, he jumps on me, nearly knocking me over. If Dabi hadn't caught us, we both probably would've gotten concussions.

"Jeez, you need to learn how to calm down sometimes, Kaminari-san." I say, giggling at him.

"Heh, sorry Midoriya-san." he replies.

"You're fine, just please don't hurl yourself at me full force next time." I tell him.

"Okay, Midoriya-san! Oh! Who's this handsome gentleman here?" he asks, looking at Dabi.

"Oh, Kaminari-san, this is-" I start to say, only to get cut off by Dabi.

"Hi, I'm Dabi, Izuku's best friend and future boyfriend."

I blush at his statement while Kaminari-san just turns to me with the we're-talking-about-this-later face.

"Hmmmm... future boyfriend, huh? Does that mean the bestie spot will be open soon? If so, can I be your new bestie?!"

"Heh, w-we'll see, Kaminari-san. F-for now, th-that spot is ta-taken," I stammer. I've been staring at the ground ever since Dabi spoke, but I glance up to see a small smirk on Dabis' face and Kaminari-san giving me a knowing look.

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