Chapter 3 - New Friend?

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Recap -

"Is something wrong dear? Aren't you happy? You and Kachan will be in the same high school."

Never have I ever wished for my mom to have kept quiet more than I did now. I sneak a quick glance to Kachan only to see his expression is a mixture of surprise... and hate...

Without saying a word, I get up from the table and run to my room. Leaning on the door, I sigh to myself.

Just when I thought I would be able to get away from him, he's now in my high school years too. I'm never gonna be free of him, am I?

I pace back and forth in my room for a little bit before there's a knock at the door.

"Come in."

My mom opens the door and sits down on my bed.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Aren't you happy? Your friend will be with you in this new, scary school full of new people."

I sit next to her and sigh, "Yeah, I know mom. I just... need a second to process things properly I guess. Would it be okay for me to go on a walk?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Just remember, don't stay out too late. Oh, and Katsuki offered to spend the night here, so he'll be sleeping here tonight," she says before leaving the room.

Fuck! Why in the world would he do that? He's probably just gonna beat me until I agree to not go to UA or something.

I make my way to the front door, slide on my red shoes, grab my keys, and head out on my walk. I didn't have a specific destination; I just didn't want to be at home. Eventually, I find myself standing outside of UA. I stare at the metal wall that's in the entrance way, imagining suffering through another year of bullying and being beat just because I'm quirkless.

I fall to the sidewalk, tears rolling down my face as I drag myself so I'm sitting with my back against the metal wall. I don't know how long I sat like that, but eventually someone comes up to me.

"Hey, are you good? Need some help with something, kid?"

I look up to see a man with a bunch of scars on him. Wait no, not just scars... burn marks that over time became scars. He has a lot of piercings around his scars, black hair, and these really pretty and bright blue eyes. He crouches down in front of me, staring at me.

Wiping at my face, I say, "N-no, I-I'll be f-fine. J-just n-needed a g-good cry, y-y'know?"

He sighs and shifts so he's sitting next to me against the metal wall.

"Yeah, I definitely get that, kid. Though if you don't mind my curiosity, what built up to this crying kerfuffle?"

I giggle at his choice of words.

"W-well, my f-friend hasn't been the n-nicest to me... for a long time. W-we used to be inseparable when we were really little, but when he got his quirk... it's like he turned on me. He's become my bully, my own personal demon if you will. Tch, as if my school life isn't bad enough already. My mom still thinks we're friends and apparently invited him to spend the night tonight. Hence, why I'm out here."

"Sheesh, that must be loads of fun. But things should be better soon, right? I mean, you're what, a middle schooler? In their last year? You can get away from him in high school."

"Heh, nice guess. Sadly, that's not true. Apparently, we were both accepted to the same high school. I mean, I always knew he would be accepted, but it's an honest to God miracle that I was accepted."

"Why do you say that? I'm sure you're a strong and smart kid."

"Hehe, the smart part is true. Strong? Nah, not one bit. Wanna see something?"

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