Chapter 12 - Dabi's Family

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Recap -

I rest my head into the crook of his neck and slowly feel myself drift off into slumber. Before I'm fully gone though, I hear him mumble, "Goodnight, my angel. Sleep well and know that I'll always protect you." The last thing I remember is feeling a slight pressure to my forehead, not like when somebody pokes you or something, more like when someone who cares about you gives you a kiss on the head.


I slowly rise to consciousness to the feeling of someone running their finger through my hair. I keep my eyes closed and lean into the touch slightly. I hear someone chuckle and can feel it rumbling through their chest where my head is laying. As they continue to run their fingers through my hair, I start to smile. Then, out of nowhere, I hear a purring noise. The hand pauses on my scalp as I snap my eyes open, just to be met with a pair of shocked eyes.

"Where's the cat?" I ask, trying to look around without lifting my head. I notice the purring had stopped.

"Th-there is no cat. That was you, angel," Dabi says.

I give him a doubtful look. He just sighs and reaches his hand forward, continuing where he left off with running his fingers through my hair. It feels so nice, and I lean into his touch again. Then, the purring comes back. He keeps running his fingers through my hair and has a smirk on his face. I notice that I can feel a rumbling feeling in my chest.

"I guess that is me... I've never purred before..." I say.

"Awe, so I'm the first one to hear my angels' purr?"

I blush and look away, sitting up and stretching my arms out. I check my phone for the time to realize that it's already almost 4 PM.

"Shit, mom must be worried about me. It's almost 4 already."

"Nah, I've been up for a while now. Your mom came in about an hour ago."

"R-really? What happened?"

"She came in saying something like 'Izuku, sweetie, are you in here?' but stopped in the doorway when she saw us. I just smiled at her and did a little wave. She whispered to me and asked about you and I told her I was trapped and that you're asleep. She then giggled at me and left, saying I can stay as long as I'd like."

"Heh, my mom's nice like that. Well, up to a point that is. You do not want to see that woman angry," I finish my statement with a slight shiver, remembering the one time I angered her years ago.

"Oh really? What happens?"

"Just trust me, you don't want to see it. She has shoes and frying pans and let me tell you, she sure knows how to use them."

He just laughs at me after that, so I head to my closet to find something else to wear. I grab out a pair or booty shorts and an oversized hoodie before heading across the hall to the bathroom to change.

When I walk back in the room, he's sitting against my headboard, looking at something on his phone.

"Um, do you want to get something to eat?"

"Yeah sure."

He follows me to the kitchen where I start to make some Katsudon. While I'm cooking, I can hear the TV on in the living room.

"Hey mom!" I call to her.

"Oh, hey sweetie! Glad you're up finally. Also, next time, please let me know when we're having a guest over," she says as she comes into the kitchen and helps me with the Katsudon.

"Sorry, we ran into each other when I went out on my run this morning. He said he was having trouble sleeping so I invited him over for a bit. I didn't know we were going to end up falling asleep on my bed."

Dabi stands off to the side, leaned against the counter as he watches us.

"Hello ma'am, I don't know if I've ever properly introduced myself. I currently go by Dabi."

"Hi Dabi. As you know, I'm Izuku's mom. My name is Inko Midoriya. You don't have to tell me, but why are you currently going by Dabi?"

"My home life wasn't the best. Ended up running away from home a few years back. I'd prefer to not talk about that time if we could. I still regret leaving my siblings there," he says honestly. I didn't know he was going to tell all that to my mom.

Once we finished cooking, we sit down at the dining room table and chat for a while. Mom ends up telling him almost every single embarrassing story about me that she can think of, and Dabi ends up sharing a few stories about him and his siblings.

Apparently, his sister would take over as their motherly figure since his mother wasn't always there there, if you know what I mean. He has two younger brothers, the youngest ended up taking his spot right before he left and was forced into "training" with his dad. He'd be there to help when their "training" was over, to patch up any wounds. Right before he left, his mother had freaked out and thrown boiling water on his youngest brother's eye, causing her to be put into a medical ward by his dad.

Though, he was closest with his other brother. His other brother is just a year or two younger than him, and they were inseparable growing up. Well, until the whole "training" stuff, but even then, they still hung out whenever they could.

Eventually, once dinner is done and it's time to go to bed, mom allows Dabi to spend the night and we head back to my room. We sit on my bed chatting for a while, and I talk about my classmates to him.

"Yeah, Kaminari-san is actually smart than most people give him credit for, it's just that his quirk fries his brain a lot. Bakugo is still a dick, but what are you gonna do? Kirishima-san, Sero-san, and Ashido-chan are super cool. Then you've got Iida-kun, our class rep. He acts like he's got a stick up his ass all the time. There's this girl, Ururaka-kun, who keeps trying to get my attention but I'm not going to give her the time of day. Oh, and then there is someone who really interests me, Todoroki-kun."

He looks up from his hands when I say the last name, like he recognizes it or something.

"Why does he interest you, angel?"

"Well, he seems really reserved. He doesn't really talk to anyone or show any emotions. At the same time, he has two amazing quirks, yet only uses one of them. I actually want to see what I can do to get him to use his fire side."

"Heh, still rebellious as ever," he mumbles under his breath, but I still heard it. He must know Todoroki-kun then.

I yawn and he flops down on the bed, dragging me down with him.

"Time to go to sleep, angel."

"Okay Dabi. Also, I'm going to find you a nickname since you keep calling me angel. Wait, hehehe, what if I called you demon? Y'know, angel and demon? The forbidden duo?"

He smiles down at me as I look at him from his chest and replies, "I'd like that, angel."

"Well then, good night demon. Sweet nightmares."

"Heh, goodnight angel. Sweet dreams."

And with that, we fall asleep huddled together on my bed.


Word Count : 1226

Hey guys!

Sorry for not updating in a while, a lot has been going on and I've been dealing with some stuff. I hope you liked the chapter and will continue to support my stories.

Also, thank you so much for the over 550 views!!! It means a lot to me. I never thought I'd even reach 100 views, let alone 550 of them.

Anygays, have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Till next time my chicks, bros, and nonbinary hoes!<3

I still remember how excited I was, seeing the 550 views...

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