Chapter 9 - First Day Drama

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Recap -

I set down my phone and curl up under my blankets, excited for school to start.


"Izuku, honey, time for school!" mom calls from down the hallway.

I slowly drag myself out of bed, regretting staying up until midnight chatting with Dabi. Again. Though, I'd gladly do it again. He's just so cool and fun to talk to.

After changing and making my way to the bathroom, I wash my face and try to tame my hair before heading down the hallway to mom.

"Hey mom!" I say, giving her a small hug and a kiss on the cheek. I then walk to the small counter we have and sit on one of the stools.

"Hey sweetie, you got everything together for school?"

"Yep," I say as I set my bag on the stool next to me. I had made sure to put together my bag the night before with everything that Aizawa-sensei said I would need.

She puts down a plate of toast and eggs for me before saying, "Better eat quickly if you're gonna be there on time."

Checking my watch, I notice that I still have at least 35 minutes before school starts. But, as my family always says, early is on time as on time is late.

(This is literally a quote in my household. It's something my grandma told my mom growing up, and it's something my mom told me and my brother growing up.)

I quickly eat the food, grab my bag and a thermos of coffee for Aizawa-sensei, put on my shoes, and say goodbye to mom as I walk out the door and down the street. The last couple of days since I found out about moms' condition went by pretty fast, with me training with Aizawa-sensei, though he didn't go too hard on me considering what's going on with mom, and then hanging out with mom as much as I can at home. As soon as she would head to bed, I'd make sure everything's cleaned up and then head to my room and talk with Dabi, whether that's through text, call, or FaceTime, does it really matter?

Walking through the school gates, I make my way to classroom 1-A and notice that only Aizawa-sensei is there in his sleeping bag. I set my bag down on one of the desks and turn towards Aizawa-sensei, ignoring the couple of students entering the classroom.

Bending down towards the yellow sleeping bag, I lightly tap around his shoulder area and say, "Aizawa-sensei? Hey, Aizawa-sensei?"

He slowly flips over the sleeping bag so I can see his face where his eyes are slightly open and asks, "What is it, problem child?"

Giggling, I make sure the thermos is out of view before saying, "I have something for you, but you have to get out of your sleeping bag, sir."

Groaning, he unzips his sleeping bag and sits up. "Don't call me sir, it makes me feel way older than I actually am. I'm only 30, kid."

"Sorry Aizawa-sensei," I reply, laughing slightly at what he said.

"So, what was so important that I had to get out of my sleeping bag?"

"Well..." I begin while pulling the thermos from behind my back and handing it to him.

"What's this?"

"Hehehe, open it."

He opens it and sniffs at it before staring me straight in the eyes with a you-didn't look.

"Heh, I brought you some coffee since you've been training me while also having to do night patrols and get things ready for school. I hope you like it; I added a little sugar and creamer in it. I can always do it differently tomorrow if you don't-"

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