Chapter 13 - Stories From the Past

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Recap -

"Well then, good night demon. Sweet nightmares."

"Heh, goodnight angel. Sweet dreams."

And with that, we fall asleep huddled together on my bed.


I faintly hear someone giggling at me. Cracking my eyes open, I see that Dabi is staring down at my face, just giggling at me for some reason.

"Wh- *yawn* what are you laughing at?" I ask softly.

"Your hair is absolutely wild right now, angel," he replies, trying to run his fingers through it.

"Yeah, that's normal for me, especially since I have the wavy, almost curly, type of hair. Most of the time, I just jump in the shower and end up conditioning, brushing it out, and then doing shampoo and conditioner again."

(I hate how this is so relatable rn. I've gone a couple days without brushing my hair and this was literally what I had to do to get the knots out. TvT)

He just laughs at me again, before tightening his arm around my waist slightly. This made me realize I was currently sprawled across his body. How I didn't realize until now, don't ask me.

"O-oh, s-sorry," I say, trying to get up. Hints the word try. He wouldn't let me.

"Hey, if I had an issue with this, I would've shoved you off of me and probably the entire bed by now."

Blushing, I lay back down, burying my face into his chest. I never noticed before, but he has a faint scent of campfires, and I just can't get enough of it. I inhale deeply and can feel myself purr in satisfaction.

"Did you just sniff me?" he asks, with a chuckle afterwards.

I turn redder than Kirishima-san's hair (sorry Kiri) and stammer out, "S-sorry, i-it's just th-that y-you sm-smell really n-nice."

"Oh, what do I smell like?"

I take a deep breath again, and while exhaling I say, "Like comforting campfires."

He laughs at me before pulling my body up, so his head is laying in the crook of my neck. I can feel him take a deep breath, and if I could've turned redder, let me tell you I would've.

"Well, my angel, you smell nice too."



"What do I smell like then, demon?"

"*deep breath* Hmmmm...... have you ever heard of kitten smell?"

Puzzled, I ask, "What's that?"

"Oh my god, it's this amazing scent that cats have for like the first few months of their lives."

(Guys, don't judge me, that kitten scent is fucking amazing. If you know you know, and if you know, I love you.)

I can't help but giggle, unsure of what "kitten smell" smells like, but loving the idea of him thinking of me as a cute little kitty.

"Boys? Are you up yet?" my mom asks, opening the door slightly and peeking in.

"H-hey mom," I stutter out from where I am currently laying on top of Dabi with his head in the crook of my neck. I look over to see her smiling at me, ever so slightly shaking her head in a what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you look.

"Well, breakfast is ready. Come join me once you get your little friend to let you out of that death grip he has on you," is all she says before shutting the door and walking down the hall.

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