Chapter 4 - An Unforeseen Event That Can Change Everything

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Recap -

"Well, sadly I have to go now. But don't worry, I'll text you later Izuku," he says, waving over his shoulder and walking down the street.

"O-okay. Bye!"

I watch him walk away for a second or two before walking into the house and taking off my shoes, Kachan following me in.

"What the hell was that, Deku?" Kachan asks as I'm removing my shoes.

"He's just a new friend I made, that's all," I mumble back, putting my shoes next to the door.

He grabs my wrist and flips me around, glaring into my soul almost.

"You just fucking met the guy, how can you two be friends? Why would he want you as a friend?"

"Well, he understands me."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"He's also been through shit, that's what it means, Katsuki," I blurt out, not realizing I cursed and called him Katsuki.

He stands there for a second, stunned, before he drags me down the hallway and into my room. He throws me on the bed.

"So, little Deku is starting to grow some balls, huh?"

In that moment, I realized something. No matter what, he's going to treat me like shit so why do I even try? He's just a bully, always has been and always will be. In that moment, this persistent little boy gave up for the first time ever... he gave up on a friendship he had wished would be rekindled.

"Katsuki," he starts, standing from where he was thrown, "I'm done with you treating me like shit. You have been mean to me for years, but I've dealt with it because I hoped we could rekindle our friendship. But now? I've realized that can never happen, you'll always be the bully, and I'll always be your target. So why do I even bother? You know how persistent I am, I keep going until I succeed and get what I want... so I hope you're happy knowing you are the first thing I've ever given up on."

His evil grin widens as he looks at me, "So, you really have grown some balls. Well, that little speech of yours can't save you from what's going to happen tonight."


Bakugo threw me back on the bed, grabbing the rope that my class gave me at the graduation of elementary school. Before I could do anything, my hands were tied to my headboard and my feet were tied to the bottom posts of my bed.

"What are you doing?!" I ask, hoping my mom might hear me and come help.

"Shut up, nerd," Bakugo says while placing tape over my mouth.

Then, something I wish never happened, happened.

He proceeded to rape me.

(I'm so sorry to everyone out there! It was an idea I had, and I know it's not the nicest thing to have happen to you. I couldn't bring myself to actually write it out. If you've been raped, just know that there are people out there that care about you and that things will get better in time.)

I woke up to a sore ass, bruises on my wrists and ankles from the rope, and the tape still on my mouth. Bakugo was nowhere to be seen. Checking the clock, I see that it's 3 in the morning.

Please let him be gone. I don't want to see him again.

I pull the tape off my mouth and slowly stand up, deciding to take a shower to rid myself of the filth left on and in me by Bakugo. Gathering my clothes, I sneak my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I strip from the few articles of clothing I still had on and turn on the hot water as I step in the shower.

Taking showers have always helped to clear my head. This time, it didn't help. All the things he said and did to me was playing on repeat in my head. It was like a broken record player that never stopped, even when you couldn't take it anymore. I black out and when I come to, I see that I am sitting on the floor of the shower, my breathing shallow and my blade in my hand. Without thinking about it, I start cutting.

Your so useless.

One cut.

You don't deserve to be alive.

Two cuts.

You ruin the lives of everyone around you.

Three cuts.

You should help everyone and just take Bakugo's advice.

Four cuts.

By the time I'm done, I've got a total of 20 or so cuts, dispersed between my wrists and my thighs. These ones where deeper than normal, but not deep enough to kill me anytime soon. Well, unless I don't treat them. Which I don't. I make my final decision right there in that shower, I'm gonna take Bakugo's advice. I'm gonna jump from the roof of a building.

Getting dressed, grabbing my phone, and throwing on my shoes, I walk out of the house with blood slowly dripping down my arms and legs.

I go to the nearest building that seems tall enough to kill someone, and sneak my way in. Walking up flight after flight of stairs, I don't care about how I have a small trail of blood that anyone could follow because I won't be alive long enough for them to do anything.

Once on the roof of the building, I open my phone and text my mom a final goodbye.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I hope you can be happy now that I'm not holding you back from anything. Please, smile for me since I won't be able to for much longer. I love you mom, and I'll be watching out for you from wherever I end up.

I also decided, what the hell, I'll send one to my new friend as well.

Thank you for helping me earlier. Please know that you did help, I've just gone through too much recently to want to be around for much longer. If the fall doesn't end me, the blood loss will. Goodbye, my friend.

Once satisfied with the texts, I send them out and shut off my phone, setting it next to the ledge. I slid off my shoes, placing them by my phone.

Standing there, looking out at the city, I can't help but wish that things were different. Subconsciously, I start talking to myself.

"So this is it, huh? After fighting for so long, I still end up right where my classmates always wanted me to be. All those gifts of spider lilies (Don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure they're the death flower or something), all the bullying, all the near-death experiences and you still ended up here. Can't believe I even made it to this ledge with all my opens wounds." I glance down at my hands, seeing a small pool of blood on the ground.

"Goodbye, unfair and cruel world. May we meet again never."

With that, I lean forward, feeling free for the first time in years. I smile to myself as I start to blackout during the fall, glad that it'll all be over soon. I look behind me and see someone standing at the ledge right where I was just before everything goes black.


Word Count - 1178


Hope you're enjoying the story. Sorry about the whole cliffhanger, just couldn't help myself y'know?

Anygays, hope y'all are having a wonderful day/night!

Till next time my chicks, bros, and nonbinary hoes!

This is the only thing I can think of that could've possibly gotten my story taken down... but then again, I've read waaaaay more graphic shit so...

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