Chapter 2 - High School Drama Starting Early

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Recap -

I put on a long sleeve shirt and am changing my pants when there's a knock on my door. Before I can say anything, the door opens.

"Your mom told me to come and get you since 'you're close friends and change together for gym all the time.' Tch. She also said there's something she wants to tell us." I've finished putting my pants on when he walks over, "She doesn't know, does she?" He grabs my collar as he finishes his question.

"N-n-no! I n-never t-told her a-any-anything!" I tell him quickly, hoping he believes me.

He just continues to stare at me for a second before saying, "You better fucking not've told her a god damn thing." He lets go of my collar and looks around my room. "Heh, damn. Your room has barely even changed since when we were kids. Same figures, same posters, same wall color, everything is the same with just a few added things here and there."

"Y-yeah. I'm gonna miss it when I'm older. M-might change a few things over summer th-though." I tell him, rubbing my neck awkwardly and staring at the floor.

"Tch. Well, any ideal school you want to go to? I mean, I'm sure you've enrolled to a few already since we've basically finished middle school, but still."

"W-well, that's kinda why my mom called you guys' o-over..."

"Izuku! Katsuki! Dinner's ready!" mom calls.

I take this as an opportunity to leave the room, Kachan following closely behind me. We take our seats at the dining room table, me next to my mom and him next to Auntie.

Once we've finished our meals and are just sitting there, mom starts talking.

"Soooo, I'm sure you're dying to know why I invited you guys over. Well, other than the fact that it's been way to long."

"Yes, it has been too long. I am curious, what's this big news?" Auntie asks.

"Well, my little Izuku here applied for a high school and just got his letter back today!"

Kachan, who had been staring down at his phone, looked up at me.

"So, nerd, did you get in?"

"Be nice Katsuki! At least use his name!" Auntie says, waking him in the back of the head.

"At least he isn't calling me Deku," I mumble under my breath.

"What was that sweetie?"

"N-nothing mom! Umm, I g-got accepted to the high school."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!" Auntie gets up and comes around the table, pulling me into a deathly tight hug.

I tap her arm and say, "C-can't... bre-eath..." She quickly lets me go, apologizing.

"Actually, my Katsuki also got his acceptance letter today!"

"You old hag! You didn't need to tell them that!"

"Shush Katsuki! I thought you'd be excited to tell Izuku." Again, he gets hit on the back of the head.

"S-so, w-what high sch-school will you be going to K-kachan?"

"Tch, my dream high school. One you'd never be able to get into." He leans back, putting his hands behind his head and his feet on the table.

"Katsuki, can you please get your feet off the table?"

"Whatever Auntie." He sits back up.

"Anyways, since he's not gonna say it, I will. He got into UA!!!" Auntie shrieks, getting super excited and proud of Kachan.

My heart sinks at those words.

No. Nononononono. NO! This is supposed to be how I get free of him. How I'm able to start fresh. How will that happen if he's in the same school as me?!

Kachan is staring at me curiously.

"Tch. Why do you look terrified nerd?"

Mom and Auntie stop their squealing and excitement and turn to me. They both look concerned upon seeing my expressing.

"Is something wrong dear? Aren't you happy? You and Kachan will be in the same high school."

Never have I ever wished for my mom to have kept quiet more than I did now. I sneak a quick glance to Kachan only to see his expression is a mixture of surprise... and hate...


Word Count : 645

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 2! I honestly only have a rough idea of what I want to happen. Like, one or two details specifically, and the rest is just what comes to mind when I sit down to type.

I did not expect for this to be the reveal of their high schools. I was thinking of having Izuku go first and then Kachan get really mad, but I thought this would be better.

Anywho, I recently found out that I may be pansexual sooo... that was interesting. It's just, I currently have a boyfriend but feel like if you love someone, does gender even matter? Whether it's a boy, girl, ftm, mtf, nonbinary, idc. If you love someone for who they are and not what they are, I feel like you'll be a lot happier in life.

Sorry about the rant. Well, I'll see you in the next chapter.

Have a good day/night my chicks, bros, and nonbinary hoes!

I completely forgot that this story was with me through my entire sexuality and gender journey since the beginning... I'm sad to see that it won't be with me to see the end of that journey...

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