Chapter 11 - Deja Vu

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Recap -

Not two seconds after I set down my phone, I'm drifting into the abyss of slumber.


Beep Beep Beep

I groan as I reach over to shut off my alarm. It's been a couple weeks since school started, and I'm still not used to my daily schedule. Luckily, it's a Saturday but hopefully I get used to my schedule soon.

Rolling out of bed, I fall face-first on the floor, not caring if I hurt myself.

"Izuku, hunny, are you alright?" mom asks as she opens the door.

I pull myself into a sitting position and reply, "Yeah mom, I'm fine. Just fell out of bed. You can go back to sleep."

"Okay," she says as she turns around and goes back to her room.

(hehehe, glanced at the clock and it's now 11:11 PM)

Once I hear her door shut, I head to my closet and grab a pair of shorts and a workout tank top. After quickly changing, I grab my phone and check for messages before sliding it into my pocket and going on my 5:30 AM morning run.

I jog around for a bit, not really having a specific place in mind, before realizing I was taking the same path I took months ago when I first met Dabi. Smiling to myself, I continue on until I reach the exact spot I was sitting when we met, right outside the UA gate. I sit down, remembering everything that happened that night. Who knew that that night would be a major turning point for me. I now have an amazing best friend, got into UA, and am able to hold my own against other heroes in training while being quirkless.

"Well, is it just me or does this feel like deja vu," I hear someone say from down the street. I look over to see Dabi walking down the sidewalk towards me, a very small, almost unnoticeable, smile on his face.

"Heh, yeah. Sure is," I say as he sits down next to me again.

"So, why'd you end up here this time?" he asks, resting his head on my shoulder.

I chuckle before replying, "I went out on my morning run, not really having a destination, until I realized I was taking the same route I took months ago when we first met. Once I realized, I kinda just kept going and made this my destination. Didn't know I would actually see you here again. What about you?"

"Eh, restless night. Had a few nightmares about my family and just couldn't go back to sleep. Started just walking around 'cause I had nothing better to do. Then, I saw a cute guy sitting in front of the UA gates and decided to join him."

I blush at him calling me cute. Our relationship is, how do you put it... interesting? I mean, we're really close like best friends, but we also do the whole playful-flirting thing. Though, sometimes I wonder if it's playful-flirting or actual flirting. For some reason, I like to believe that it's actual flirting.

"Awe, what did I do to deserve being in the presence of such a gentleman as you?" I tease.

"Heh, don't you mean what did I do to deserve being in the presence of an angel?" he teases back, lifting his head and looking me in the eyes. For some reason, I just can't look away from his beautiful turquoise eyes. There's just something about them that always draws me in, wanting to know everything behind them. Every thought, memory, emotion, wanting for him to share them all with me so I can do the same with him. But, even though we've grown closer, we both still have our secrets.

I look away from his mesmerizing gaze, blushing like a mad man. I look back up when I hear him laughing lightly, his eyes closed. He looks so beautiful when he's laughing, or even just smiling.

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