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Chapter 16

!!Graphic depictions of childbirth

"A-Allen... Hurry! c-call Lilith!" Lucifer breathes heavily as he buckles his knees to the contractions, only having acknowledged it after thinking that it was just a resurfacing ache on his back and stomach. "Alright, j-just breathe angel... Everything will be fine-" The brunette says as he helps the blonde sit back down on the couch, holding the other's hand who suddenly squeezes it tightly.

"EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE! EVERYTHING HURTS!" The king of hell yells out, the taller man winces at the pain in his hand but ignores it in favour of reaching for the telephone to quickly call his mother's house.

He waits for someone to answer as he bites his bottom lip, trying to suppress the scream that's threatening to come out when the blonde squeezes down on his hand more while howling in pain. He hears the line pick up, "hello?" Allen sighs in relief when he hears Lilith's voice. He knew his mother would've wanted to see the birth of her grandchild, but he couldn't risk the possibility Lucifer had told him about the baby being an angel or could possibly even be a hellborn.

"Lilith, Lucifer's in labour." Right as he says that, the tall blonde woman suddenly materializes right beside the shorter blonde, kneeling down to inspect his stomach. "Hurry! We need to get him to a bed!" Lilith stressed as Allen quickly wraps an arm around Lucifer's back and the other one under his legs.

"Al-" he whimpers out in pain as another contraction hits him, the brunette picks him up and carries him to the spare bedroom down the hall where his mother would usually sleep in when she stays the night. "It'll be alright dear, you're doing great so far." The brunette whispers to his distressed partner who pants as he clutches onto the taller man's white undershirt.

Lilith opens the door for them Allen carries Lucifer to the bed, carefully laying him down as the blonde keeps a tight grip on his shirt. "Alright, I need a basin with warm water and a stack of towels Allen, and don't forget the swaddle blanket we'll be using for the baby." She says as she pulls the other blonde's skirt up when the brunette stands up to get what he was told to, but the blonde kept a firm grip on his shirt.

Lucifer looks up at him pleadingly as tears start to flow down his cheeks. Allen gently took the blonde's hand off his shirt before planting a kiss on it, he pulls the blonde's sweaty hair back that has been clinging to his flushed face. "I'll be right back Angel, I promise I won't take too long." He reassures him before rushing out of the door.

"You'll be fine Luci, deep breaths now, I can already see the head peeking." She adjusts the blonde's legs to spread wider as she takes a closer look at the baby's head that has a golden amniotic sack still wrapped around it. "You need to push Luc! Push!" Lucifer grits his teeth as he grabs the head board of the bed and starts to push.

He screams, he screams at the top of his lungs as he feels something breech his bottom half, Stretching his sphincter in the most unbearable way possible before it finally slips out. Lilith takes the baby into her arms, taking a sharp pair of scissors to cut through the golden sac, the baby immediately crying loudly as they take their first breath of air.

She examines the baby's forehead and feet, which already has a horn stub on it while her feet are a pair of hooves instead of human ones. Honestly, she's not surprised that the baby is a hellborn, despite being born in the living realm her mother is still a fallen angel and a demon while her father is a human... Who's already closer to being a demon than an actual human at this point, because of his consumption of shadow users.

She smiles when the baby starts to calm and blinks at her, then moves her face closer as the newborn reaches for her nose and pats it cooing at her with a toothless smile on her face. She cleans the baby off with a spare towel at her side as she takes bits of angelic blood off her light blonde hair.

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