Deer, Grave

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Chapter 25

[October 30th 1933]

Allen reaches his hand towards Dan's throat to try and sense his pulse. He retracts it after he found nothing, wiping his hand with a clean towel before staring at the man's corpse amusedly. "Such a shame.... You died right in time for your birthday. Oh well! I'll just go ahead and find some deer to cook for my family for this very joyous occasion~" he says as he examines the corpse.

After years of being tortured down in this hideout, the corpse in front of him now looks nothing like how the man used to look like twelve years ago. His body is full of cuts, and whip marks, the man's limbs have long since healed when the brunette had cut them off. Of course, every two weeks the man had to be given a bath, and his demon gremlins were good at cleaning someone as well as making it a painful experience for Dan.

They would also be the ones to look after the man if he's on the verge of dying, Allen didn't want the fool to die so soon but he feels satisfied that the man had died very painfully after twelve long years. Every year on Dan's birthday, he would always mock the man by hunting deer for him to 'celebrate' such a 'happy' occasion. He also sings the happy birthday song to him along with the demon gremlins who would shove the raw deer into the man's mouth to force feed him.

But now that the man is dead, he could get the deer for Lucifer and his son instead to celebrate the man's death. "When did he die exactly?" He asks one of the gremlins who looked thoughtful before showing him two fingers. "Ah, two days, his meat must still be fresh enough and mighty tender after years of basically being a punching bag... I think the client would like the flesh this way, if not then she could always throw it out." He mutters, ordering the gremlins to wrap the body up before he opens a portal to the woman's kitchen in cannibal town.

He picks up John's hunting rifle, having planned to haunt deer as Dan's 'gift' from him but cooking it for Charles and his angel is an even better alternative. His son had started to like deer meat after he had brought one home two years ago on his birthday, the sight of his partner and son enjoying his cooking always makes his heart melt with pride.

He lets his shadow take him out of the hideout after he sent his gremlins back to where they came from. looking up, he sees that the sun is barely shining through the thick shade of the trees above him. Instinctively, he looks down to check the time, letting out a frustrated 'tsk' as he remembers that the strap of his watch had broken earlier that day. Having left it at home with a mental reminder to himself to get it fixed before he could go to work the next morning.

Seeing that the sun is still visible, he walks the path to where he would usually hunt his prey. He walks deeper into the woodland area, huffing in frustration at not finding any deer yet. He looks up at the tree covered sky again, seeing that it has grown darker as the sun finally starts to set. "Come on.... There must be some deer here somewhere." He grits his teeth before sending his shadow to look for a deer in the sorounding area.

After a few minutes as everything around him starts to grow darker, he sighs in resignation with the thought of just buying deer meat from a shop. Turning around to walk back home before his shadow finally comes dashing back towards him. "Well? Have you found any?" When his shadow nodded at him with a wide smile as it points upwards, "Alright then, show me the way as fast as you possibly could before it gets too dark for me to see." He says wanting to catch the deer as soon as possible before night reaches them. His shadow immediately dashes to that direction with him following close behind it.

Not far from where he was, he saw the deer eating grass from behind a tree. As he was about to aim at it, he steps on a twig, alerting the deer of his position before it quickly runs away from him. Cursing under his breath he looks at his shadow as it tugs on his pants, motioning for him to go home while looking around the woods.

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