A fucking divorce

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Chapter 30

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your 'royal' highness." Stella bows towards Lucifer while doing a curtsy to him before sitting down on the chair an imp butler had pulled for her out on the balcony of Stolas's manor. "Haha- please the pleasure is all mine." Lucifer replies, having used a five hour spell to make his hair look short as he plasters the fake smile he usually has when dealing with these types of demons as he sits down on the offered seat as well.

"I was quite surprised to hear that you wanted to meet with me your grace, is there something that you want from me?" She asks, Lucifer narrows his gaze at her subtly, noticing the way she moves as if she's not interested in having him as a guest but would rather want to get whatever the purpose of his visit is over with while Paimon was in a different room with Stolas.

If she wants to get things straight to the point then he would be more than happy to oblige. "I want you to sign the divorce contract between you and Prince Stolas." He says with a cool smile on his face as Stella suddenly pauses in steering the spoon in her tea cup when she heard him.

She stares at him for a moment before she suddenly snaps out of her daze, "I- beg your fucking pardon?!" She exclaims, slamming her hands on the table with a sharp tone in her voice, though the king of hell remains unfazed.

Lucifer nonchalantly places the contract on the table and slides it towards Stella. "Like I said~ I want YOU to sign THIS contract so that your marriage with Stolas would be over." He keeps his voice sickeningly sweet, watching Stella glare at the contract before grabbing it and angrily ripping it to shreds.

The king of hell kept his poker face on until she finished ripping the paper up with an angry huff. "Well, that was a very immature way to act for someone who's supposed to be part of the 'Goetia' royalty, but-" he flicks his wrist and another divorce paper appears in his hand. "I'll have to insist on you signing these papers. If you won't then I'll have no choice but to-" "'But to' WHAT your ROYAL highness? Are you going to 'ruin' my reputation? Oh please! it's already FAR from ruined ever since I married that good for nothing twinkish ass Goetia prince, who just freezes in place whenever I have sex with him. So I had to take matters into my own hands and FIND someone else who's more than capable of handling my needs when that useless twink can't even provide it." She spat at him before she suddenly stumbled back with her mouth open while making choking sounds. Her eyes widened while clutching at her throat as she fixed her gaze on the blonde king.

"You know, I haven't had THIS type of interaction with other demons for a VERY long time...." Lucifer says menacingly as he slowly circles around the table towards the female demon until he finally stops in front of her trembling and choking form. Her mouth hangs wide open as she tries to plead to him but he ignores her silent pleas.

"And you know what annoys me the most? It's demons like you who don't know their place. Demons like you... Who still has the audacity to talk to me like you hold the power that could erase my very existence." He roughly grabs her by her white feathers on her head, trying to control his shaking hands at feeling her white feathers, reminding him familiarly of his own as he watches the tears fall from her eyes as she looks at him fearfully.

"Well guess what? YOU don't have that power, But I on the other hand... Do." Lucifer lets her feathers go and hurriedly hides his shaking hand behind his back, feeling a bit of satisfaction at seeing the fear in her eyes as she finally gasps when he drops the choking spell he had put on her.

"Doesn't feel so good when you're the one receiving the pain now is it? And here I thought you could've handled it since you liked hurting Stolas so much..." She looked at him in stunned disbelief at hearing this, her look of fear disappearing as quickly as it came, replaced by confused anger. "H-how did you know about what I do to that pathetic Twink?! It was those filthy imps was it?!" She shouted at him, ignoring the pain throbbing from the feathers on her head, obviously not having learnt her lesson.

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