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Chapter 1

[December 29, 1919]

"ALLEN?! For heaven's sake where are you?! We're going to be late for church!" A woman called out as she hurriedly fixed her dark brown hair into a messy bun and went to search for her son only for him to be standing right behind her smiling broadly. "I'm ready to go mother!" He said as his mother looked at him then fixed his bow tie.

"Really! You're turning eighteen in just a few days, you don't know how to neatly tie a bow AND you haven't even found a woman to court yet!" She scolded him.

"Well.... I just don't think I've found the right.... One, yet." His sweat drops at the glare his mother sent him. "Ha.... then my grandbabies are gonna have to wait.... There! Now chop! chop!" She claps in front of him as she finished the tie then pushes him towards the door.


"Mother....." Allen spoke hesitantly as he fidgets with his thumb. They had just gotten home from church and his mother was cooking lunch and later dinner. "Yes dear? Is something the matter?" His mother asked as she paused in her cooking.

"Is it true that Lucifer was God's most beautiful and powerful angel.... And that he tried to overpower god?" He asked, looking away when his mother turned away from her 'jambalaya' to look at him confusedly. "Well, yes.... He underestimated god's power which was what had caused his down fall...." He looked at how her face twisted from confusion to horror.

"You..... Are you doubting god's words Allen?" She moves closer to him grabbing his cheeks to look at his face desperately trying to see if she was wrong in her assumption. Upon not hearing him answer her face darkened in anger.

"It was Ms.Hilt wasn't it?! She must have corrupted you with her witch crafts... and- and those dark devil books she has! with those voodoo dolls loitering around her home!" She had let his face go as she turned to rant about their next door neighbor who was well known for practicing 'the arts of the devil'.

Although, what his mother was assuming was in fact, true... She didn't need to know that. He silently stood from his seat and slowly made his way towards his mother. "You don't need to worry your pretty little head about me mother! You know that I only ever go out to play the piano for the church in my free time!" He touched her shoulder, feeling her flinch at the contact but continued to reassure her.

After telling her that the idea of him doubting was absurd and that he has never spoken to Ms.Hilt which finally made her calm back down. "Oh mother, you shouldn't assume such horrible things about your dear son! After all, I'm still god's little blessing to you aren't I?" She looked up at him, her face softening as she touched his cheek.

"Oh my precious boy, you've grown into such a man.... If only your father could see you now." He scowled at the mention of his abusive father, who was his first victim before he started to secretly go on killing multiple others after feeling the thrill that comes with it.

"Now! I must get going, I need to go hunt for more meat so we have something to sell for tomorrow." He hugged his mother goodbye before grabbing his father's hunting rifle and went to the forest behind their home.


"Rose? Are you present?" Allen called out as he reached the giant tree he and rose would meet up on. "Allen? Oh Allen! I've missed you my friend!" A woman appeared from the tree lines and quickly hugged him, they pecked each other from cheek to cheek in greeting and made secret handshake gestures.

"Well, first things first- how's your motha? Has she mentioned me recently?" Rose said with her hands to her hips. "Oh the usual Devil practitioner witch talk that she always rattles on and on about when I question the bible.... Hmmm, Enough about me...." He looks at Rose expectantly who immediately got the message and took out a list full of names and addresses.

"Here are the new targets this week, I'm honestly not too surprised at the fact that most of them are abusive husbands. Oh! And before I forget..." She pulled a large book with a bloody pentagram on it and handed it to Allen.

"It's all yours! The chapter for the ritual is on page sixty-nine I've already got everything you need for it and since I've already memorized it all I won't be needing it no more!" He looked uncertain at that, stiffening when rose smacked his shoulder playfully. "Consider it a thank you gift for giving me delicious supply of carnage every week~" she waved him good bye as she walks back into the forest.

As he saw her leave he looked back down at the book, already thinking of places where he could hide it when he gets home.


He set everything he needed under the giant tree, waiting for the sky to darken and the full moon to rise. In the meantime he took an oil lamp and continued to read the book under the dimly lit light. 'after the ritual, look for the signs of Lucifer's presence.' there was a sketch of a swan, cat, something called a corvid, goats, and a millipede.

The teen looked at a snake sketched at the edge of the page away from the other animals it had a message written underneath it that he can't quite understand, brushing it off as just seeing another sacred animal he started to draw the sigil needed to summon the demon.

He knew this probably isn't the best solution to his problem, but it definitely is the easiest way to go about it since the number of scars on his body has increased to the point that people are starting to notice it. He needs a way to escape the scene of his murders without getting injured like he usually does when his victims try to defend themselves.

As the moon moves closer to it's peak he opens the sack with the tied up lamb in it that rose had given him and carried it to the middle of the sigil, making sure he doesn't ruin the symbol. When the moon finally got to the peak he stabbed the lamb, ignoring the way it made a loud guttural noise to chant the words he needed in Latin.

He continues chanting while the blood of the lamb spreads on the sigil, he's not sure if the ritual will work for him since Rose said she tried it but didn't work on her, she also said that she might've made a mistake that she didn't notice while doing it which encouraged him to try and perfect this.

Allen kept chanting even after the moon has moved far from it's peak. He was startled by a sudden rustling sound in the bushes he cautiously approaches it as he continues to chant albeit slowly not wanting to startle what was behind these bushes and at the same time making what might be a mistake in the ritual if he stopped.

He flinched back when a small rodent that had a red striped tail came out of the bush. He breathed a sigh of relief and disappointment that it wasn't a sacred animal of Lucifer. When he was starting to think that he had also messed the ritual up, a long albino snake came out and devoured the rodent in a blink.

Did the ritual work? Or was it just a coincidence that a snake just so happened to be chasing a rodent in the same area? He stared at the snake as it gulped down it's meal. He opened and read the ritual again, if he did indeed succeeded in his summoning, then Lucifer must be around the area since he doesn't expect the demon to be seen by the naked eye.

He quickly pulled out the swan carving he had made as an offering to the demon and placed it in front of the snake, it tilted it's head at the carving then slithered around it and coiled itself on the swan.

Seeing this, Allen was shocked to see a snake acting this way, if he had to guess... Then it must be one of Lucifer's pets or messenger of sort.

Looking back down to the writing on the book he read the last line, 'if you had successfully completed the ritual-ꂵꍏꌩ ꒒ꀎꉓꀤꎇꍟꋪ ꍏꉓꉓꍟꉣ꓄ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꂦꎇꎇꍟꋪꀤꈤꁅ ꍏꈤꀸ ꁅꋪꍏꈤ꓄ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꀸꍟꌗꀤꋪꍟ' his brows furrowed at that. he can make out the desire part, does that mean he can say what he desires to the snake?

Looking at the snake that was now nuzzling the swan he had placed down, he slowly kneeled in front of it. "It's an offering for lucifer, I wish to pay my respect to him with this offering.... Will you be passing on a message to your master?" The snake looked at him curiously for a moment before nodding it's head. Now this, is what made him believe that he may have actually succeeded.

"I'd like to make a deal with him."

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