Mourn, Worry

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Chapter 21

A few weeks later, the couple laid down on their bed, facing away from each other after coming home from Elleanor's funeral. "....Allen?" Lucifer asks as he turns to the brunette whose back was still turned away from him. Though, even in the dimly lit room, he could still see the other's shoulders trembling as he tries to cry silently.

"Oh Hun..." He whispers sympathetically, sitting upright on the bed before scooting himself closer to the brunette.

Once he was right behind him, he could clearly hear the other sniffling quietly. He gently touches Allen's shoulder, urging him to turn around and face him as the younger man moved to do so.

He places a hand on each side of the brunette's cheeks, wiping away the tears flowing down his face. He frowns as he moves his thumb to touch the dark eye bags that have grown under his partner's eyes, remembering all the sleepless nights of crying every moment he comes back home from work.

Lucifer gently stroked Allen's messy dark brown hair when the other man wraps his arms around his small waist tightly. he buries his face on the blonde's thigh, his tears soaking the long sleeved night gown while his shoulders continue to tremble as he continues to grieve silently.

The blonde can't help but let out a tired sigh, his eyelids already swollen from grieving the woman who he had thought of as a mother. He wanted to cry as well, but his tears have long since dried up after mourning Elleanor until her funeral finally came.

Though, he knows that both he and Allen will never get to see her, having absolutely no doubt that Elleanor has already arrived in front of the gates of heaven when she had passed on. Especially after she selflessly flung herself in front of that incoming bullet just to protect her son, it was what had secured her spot there.

"I know that... We will never be able to see her again even in the after life but... I'm just glad that she gets to enjoy heaven, she won't have to suffer those headaches she's been dealing with for the past couple of days before she died." At least to him, it was a better alternative than seeing her slowly and agonizingly die from the Spanish flu than to be killed by one swift bullet to her heart.

If he was being honest, he's thankful that Elleanor didn't get to see the worst side of her son. He couldn't even imagine how she would've reacted if she found out that he was a serial killer and a cannibal to boot. He could only assume that she would have felt utterly heartbroken to know that her son had killed countless people even if they were abusive or not.

Sometimes, he would also wonder how Allen would've turned out to be if he hadn't summoned him. He knows that the brunette was, and still is, a manipulative person when it comes to people he doesn't love or care about.... He could only assume that he would've gotten much worse if Elleanor had died from the Spanish flu without his angelic blood to keep her alive and only having himself to look after then grieve his mother's death... Alone.

His hand pauses from stroking the soft strands of the brunette's hair, wondering if that's how the other feels at this very moment. Despite him being there by his side does he still feel alone regardless? No, he must really just miss his mother. After all, he wouldn't have come to him for comfort if that were the case.

Charles whimpers in his cradle catching his parent's attention. When the blonde was about to pull away to get him, Allen sits upright. "I'll- I'll get him." Getting out of the bed the brunette moves to his son's cradle, picking him up and taking him to the bed with them.

Allen sits back next to the blonde, passing Charles to his partner as the other opens his top to feed their baby. "You know... Charles won't be turning one in five more years, people will start to ask questions about the baby's growth. Especially Mrs. Thompson..." Really, he appreciates the woman for worrying about their family. But, he would rather that she doesn't know about anything that's been going on in their life.

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