Welcome to hell

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Chapter 26

[Hell Palace, Lucifer's office]

Lucifer watches his son tiredly while the toddler has been flying around in circles in his office after waking up with a pair of wings on his back. At first Charles was confused when he felt something weird moving on his back, but had quickly gotten used to the feeling after moving them around for about an hour or so.

"Ma! Ma! Look! I'm flying!" Charles calls out to him as he flies around Lucifer's office while they were waiting for Lilith and Rosie to arrive from their meeting with Razzle following right behind him. "Y-yes sweetie~ I can see that~" Lucifer says while trying to rearrange the files that are getting swept by the wind of Charles' flying.

As much as he's tired of his son's new found fascination of his wings, he's glad that it had turned the toddler's attention away from the absence of his other parent.

"Please- try to be calm sweetie, Auntie Lilith and Auntie Rosie will be here any minute now and-" As if on cue, the door opens as Rosie, still in her 'Lucifer' disguise walks in with Lilith following behind her.

"Oh! Your Highness! It's been so long since I've seen you~ and- oh my stars... Is that Charles? Oh how much you've grown!" Rosie says as she takes her disguise off to greet Charles and Lucifer.

Lilith approaches them as well, hugging Lucifer before examining the state of his dress which was still covered in blood from both the dogs and from Allen's gunshot wound when he had placed his husband's head on his lap.

"It's nice to see you again brother." She turns to look at Charles then, examining the child's angelic form as he scratches the deer antlers on his head. "Interesting... It looks like he's gotten Allen's deer attributes as a sinner-" she comments lightly while inspecting Charles' deer antlers with his halo floating just above it.

"Sinner? D-does that mean you've seen him? Please, tell me Lilz, is he doing okay?" Lucifer asks desperately, wanting to know if his husband had already been found by his sinner turned victims and if he was able to avoid getting hurt by them.

"He- well... Yes I've seen him, and no, those sinners haven't found out about his arrival in hell yet since he's been using his radio static to change his voice. Most of the sinners are very dismissive of him, thinking he's weak because of how he acts." Lucifer breathes a sigh of relief at hearing that Allen has been doing okay so far.

"But that female friend of his, 'Mimzy' was her name I think... Already knew it was him while he was tracking down the sinners who were threatening your family." She explains, avoiding the look of relief on her brother's face. She feels guilty for lying to him a bit, but she'd rather make sure that he won't become a depressed mess again like he used to be before he met Allen.


When Allen had died Lilith immediately felt his soul arrive, and went to him to ask about what he plans to do about his victims now that he's in hell... But, there had already been sinners crowding him forcing her to watch the interaction from afar.

"Ugh, this guy reeks, he definitely just died." One of the sinners commented as they watched Allen dust himself off with that annoying smile Lilith hates so much. Aside from that, Allen looks very different than when he was alive and more... Red. His hair looks... Lilith doesn't even know what to comment on it but she can definitely tell that her brother's husband would've LOATHED it when he was alive.

She turns her attention on the people gathered around him, she could recognize that two out of seven of those sinners were Allen's victims in the past. Lilith knew this because she kept an eye on them after they had signed her contract to not sneak into the living world. What they didn't know is that there was a part in the contract that explicitly states for them to not get involved or try to harm the person or anyone related to the one that had murdered them or caused their death.

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