Wedding day

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Chapter 15

[February 14th 1921]

"Are you ready?" Lilith asked Lucifer who was wearing a simple long sleeved wedding dress with his veil pinned as she does his last touch up on make up. "Ready as I'll ever be." He said gulping nervously as the longer haired blonde put his lipstick on.

She rolled her eyes at him, "honestly, you need to loosen up a little... Even if I didn't like that man at first.... He seems to actually love and care for you- don't look at me like that." She hissed at him when he gave her a smug look for admitting that the brunette has finally grown on her.

She admits that her brother's would-be 'husband' has been taking good care of him, despite him sneaking about and doing some grotesque radio broadcasts every now and then.

From what she has seen so far when she shifts into her owl form, he has also killed four of the shadow cult people she's been having some trouble with for the past five years when a demon or sinner from hell has smuggled two crystals of her own creation that prevents someone from using their abilities, which could work on humans and sinners.

Rose has told her that she's seen the crystal in one of the shadow cult's corpses that Allen had handed over to her a few weeks ago. When she told Rose that she wanted to take a look at the crystal she confirmed that it was, in fact, the very same one that was stolen from her.

She already had her suspicions that this particular shadow cult were the ones that stole her crystals. Because of this, she has been on her guard in the living realm and in hell, ever since she suspected that one of the palace demons or sinners were behind this.

Lilith didn't bother to worry about the palace guards telling outsiders about her and Lucifer being siblings, they made them sign a very specific contract to avoid that from happening. The only thing she's worried about is what they were planning to use her crystals for, although she could think of a few things... She plans on warning Allen about it after the wedding is over. Preferably when he's alone since she doesn't want her brother to feel even more anxious than he already is.

Though.... for some reason the brunette hasn't bothered to take on their leader 'Dan Johnson', which led her to assume that he wants to torture the strongest person in their cult last.

"Lils? Is something wrong? You look... A bit worried." She blinks as she snaps her focus back when she hears her brother's question. "Just.... Wanted to ask what names you and your 'soon-to-be husband' are going to be naming the baby..." She said, watching Lucifer's expression shift from concern to excitement.

"Oh! Welllll... We thought that if she's a girl then Charlotte, and if he's a boy then he would be Charles! I'm still not sure if they'll be a human, demon.... Or maybe even angel... But I want them to have a life where they're free to do whatever they want... and chase the dreams they want to pursue." He said, stroking his abdomen gently as he felt three kicks on his hand making him smile down at his bulging stomach warmly.

"That... Actually sounds good, since the baby's mother IS the king of hell then they'll have free will... In a way." She muttered thoughtfully as she puts the veil down. "There! Now... You're ready..." She smiles warmly at her brother, happy that he finally got the chance of having the family he always wanted.

"I already forged all the personal files you need for this wedding and gave them to Elleanor. You don't need to worry about her noticing if it's fake." The shorter blonde embraces her in a tight hug, "thank you Lils." He said feeling his sister's arms wrap around him as well.

They hear a knock on the door before it opens,  Rose peeks her head in the room before walking inside. "Oh! You look absolutely gorgeous your Highness!" She says as she inspects the other blonde's dress before moving towards Lilith with her hand held out. "Here ya go darlin', took me a while to get it for ya but I managed it." She says as Lilith accepts the brooch that has two swans forming a heart with an egg in the middle of them.

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