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Chapter 6

"W-what the hell just happened........?" Lucifer muttered trying to make sense of the offer he so impulsively accepted just after hearing Allen include swans and ducks to it.

"You, my dear, have just accepted to be my wife, in exchange for having me cook jambalaya for you whenever you please, and making whatever hand made ducks or swan shaped things you request of me." He explained to the mortified looking blonde.

He chuckled lightly as he reached both his hands out and cupped the smaller man's cheeks snapping his attention back to the brunette .

"I know that you don't trust me.... Yet, but I promise you that I won't do anything that will put you in harm's way or take advantage of the offer I had you accept and I will honor this. So mote it be." He said smiling at the blonde as he strokes his thumb on the lightly blushing cheek.

Lucifer felt his heart skip a beat. This, for sure, is a feeling that he hasn't felt in a very long time. "I'll hold you to that." He replied, looking at the brunette with a warm smile. He'll give Allen a chance to prove himself trustworthy.... If not, 'then I'll just leave, there's no condition that states otherwise.' he thought as Allen pulled his hands away from him.

"Now then, I think it's time for bed. You could sleep here, while I'll go and sleep on the couch." He stood up pausing when he felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Y-you could sleep here, I don't really mind it. I'm just gonna-" he takes two pillows and places it in the middle of the bed then pauses when he saw how little space was left.

"Oh- umm.... Maybe YOU should sleep in your bed, since it's yours and I could..." He muttered yelping when Allen suddenly picked him up and gently plopped him on the bed.

"I don't mind 'sharing' my things just so you know. Especially if it's with people I'm close to, in a way. But if you insist that I sleep on my bed then we both should, how does that sound? hm?", He inclined his head as he slowly lowered himself on the bed beside the blonde who tensed at the movement before blushing when Allen faced him with that mischievous looking grin of his.

"Don't give me that look, it's making me think that you're up to something." The blonde glared at him, the brunette only giving him an amused look in return.

"Hm, if it's me trying to woo you then you're absolutely correct my little snake." He teased as he leaned his head closer to the blonde who just glared at him for the pet name knowing he can't deny how fitting that is, He huffed and pulls a blanket over his head to avoid looking at the brunette.


When Allen was younger he started to question how he can't seem to feel any attraction towards the people that flirt with him or try to bed him cause of his good looks.

Allen hadn't thought that he would feel said attraction towards the shorter man but, here he was.

Now that he's spent time with Lucifer after a year of giving him his wooden duck and swan offerings, he's been able to hear little bits about the man's life since he would ramble his problems about his sister and the 'extermination' to him whenever he summons him.

To him, hearing these stories about what actually happens down in hell, was his new form of.... Entertainment. With the offer he had given Lucifer even though it was far from a deal, he still managed to catch the man in his trap.

At first he was torn between taking advantage of the fallen angel or treat him with a strong sense of respect and devotion. After all, wanting to know more about hell, the goings on and how to be able to surpass powerful sinners there is such useful information that he may need once the time comes for him to be a sinner as well.

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