Care for him

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Chapter 29

(A/N hullooo~ sorry for the late update, had a bit of a writer's block the past few weeks and a bit busy with my job now, I'll try to update whenever I've got free time though! Hope y'all enjoy the story ^^💕)

[September 5th 1934]

Paimon sighs for the hundredth time that day. The imp butler who was spying on his son's wife for him had shown him hundreds of pictures of how exactly Stella has been treating his son for the past year.

He was hoping that the imp wouldn't find any evidence after a year of gathering evidence on his son being abused by his own wife... But perhaps luck wouldn't be on his side after all.

"Damn it all, why did that bitch have to be so OBVIOUS when she's hurting my son? Does she not have one SUBTLE bone in her body?!" He yells angrily in his office as he throws a bottle of ink at the imp who had brought the photos in, easily avoiding the object.

Paimon couldn't believe that most of the photos were also taken in PUBLIC areas. He didn't expect the woman to be so brazen with her abuse towards his son. But perhaps he had overestimated the woman's intellect when it came to being DISCREET about matters that were supposed to remain BEHIND closed doors.

To top it all off, Stella doesn't even bother to hide her infidelity by openly flirting with other demons and even shamelessly going with them to hotels as shown in the pictures. He glares at one picture in particular where she was caught with a Horse looking demon in Ozzie's of all places.

Of course he also has multiple Lovers as well as children from most of them but hell, he's the KING of the ars Goetia's for goodness sake, he could do whatever the hell he wants. He can bed whoever he wants to without having to suffer the consequences too. But she on the other hand should not have such leeway since she was SUPPOSED to make an example of what a Goetia wife is supposed to be, and it's definitely not a gossiping abusive wife that likes to sleep around in the lust ring.

Sure he also sleeps around but at least he doesn't abuse his lovers, he merely doesn't pay attention to them including his children... Except for when he needs to give them their monthly allowances so there's an obvious difference.

But wait, wasn't this HIS own doing? He did force his son to marry this shameless bitch even when said son had practically begged him to reconsider his choice every chance he got. Would his son tell His highness about him being the one responsible for this arrangement? If his king were to ask his son questions about the arranged marriage then the king of hell's anger might just get directed towards HIM as well as Stella.

Maybe he should just- NOT tell his majesty about his findings... But then again, if he does... His highness could force a divorce on Stella, he couldn't do so himself because HE was the one that drew the engagement up in the first place and he may or may not want to admit that he was wrong in the matter.

But because of his majesty's hatred towards abusive partners, he wouldn't want the Goetia prince to have to deal with such a horrid woman. Paimon really doesn't want her to continue on dragging the Goetia's name through the dirt any further if she continues to act like such a complete savage. He is well aware that his king has a soft spot for his son.... Damnit, he forgot the boy's name again. He could try to remember it another time but... having seen his royal highness treat the prince of hell just like he had treated Stolas was very much telling that he may also see The Goetia Prince as a Grandson or son.

Although, it would be quite worth it if the king does punish him as long as he also deals with that spoiled bitchy woman. Oh he KNEW she was spoiled and still is because of her brother letting her do what she wants. But after she has been dealt with he won't have to even think of her dragging the Goetia name any longer since she has already served her purpose when his granddaughter hatched from her egg.....

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