Chapter 1: Run and Survive

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Third Perspective:

a seemingly small boy runs through narrow dark passages, his little Footsteps echoing through the Quiet Area and his Breaths get louder with each second. He looks where he is going and accidentally runs into a ledge, a small bang followed by a big one as he falls to the floor. a few drops of blood slowly run down his long grayish-blue hair and fall onto the dry colored floor of the room. He remains lifeless for a few seconds, but then he gets up and quickly runs on.

As he runs, he looks behind him every second because he knows that they can smell the blood, which slowly falls from him and leaves its traces. After a few minutes he arrives at his temporary "hiding place".

He has been spending his time in this warped hole for weeks, it seems to have been something of a production facility at one time. Now that everything is smeared with blood and there is no electricity, it is safer here than in Playcare, but here he has little chance of finding anything edible, apart from rats and small vermin. He's already cut off a couple of fingers here and there just to survive, it hurt a lot, but it was better than starving right? And after all of the pain they started to regrow the moment, he wanted them to.

But down there, starvation is by far not the most painful way to die.

First Person Pov:

"I don't want any more", I was close to collapsing. And so that's how I'm going to die, down here? Where no one will ever find me? No, it can't end like this.

"Tomorrow... Tomorrow I will... Go to the abandoned Playcare area and........ look for Food..." I could hardly say a word, I was so hungry and so tired.

If I don't find food or a good shelter in the Playcare area tomorrow, then I think that's it for me. I'll probably seek out Catnap or some other servant of the prototype and tell him to just make it quick so I can finally rest.

"But... do I even want to die......?"

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