Chapter 7: Odd Man Out

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Angel Pov:

I feel a little cramped, after I said that we can talk now, the six others sat down behind me on a kind of couch. I feel a little uncomfortable, after all, they're all staring at me. I don't think I should have started talking, and I'm stuttering so much....I'm scared.

"So we're the Smilling Critters, you already know our names right Angel?" She talks calmly and slowly, her voice is so clear and sounds fantastic.... Wait a minute... Was that a question from her?

I look around a bit, apart from DogDay and CatNap, the others are giving me evil looks, especially Hoppy and Kickin. They look at me like they want to hurt me....Like the scientists.....

My heart starts pounding loudly at the memory of them, I quickly look at DogDay because she's the only one I trust. And nod. She starts smiling again. Dammit... My heart beats even faster and I feel warm. Even in situations like this, she stays confident and perfect. I don't know if it's funny but I get lost...In her beautiful smile...I just can't stop thinking about her.......What's wrong with me?

"We come from Rainbow Valley, and we all live in beautiful coloured houses in the fields."

"What are fields?" I just shouted it, but I have no idea what these fields are supposed to be. Everything I know, I know from school down here. Or I've heard it from the staff.

"Stop fucking around with us-

" Fields are big green fields of grass, they're really huge and it's fun to lie in them and look up at the sky.... You know what I mean, don't you?"

"No....A-All I know...I was just told i-i-at school" I try as hard as I can to say the words quietly before I speak, but it doesn't help much because I stutter in spite of myself.

"School? What do you mean? .... That's not a school down here, is it?" This time it's not DogDay who answers, but that blue elephant. She wears glasses and looks at me 'just as Weird as the rest'.

"This here... is the Playhouse"

"The Playhouse? That's a fucking joke, isn't it?" Kickin replies, far too tepidly. She literally screams at me. It's not my fault either. I think I can start to hear my ears ringing, after all, they are very sensitive.

"No... That-that wasn't alw-..waways the case here....Only after It happened...." I can't stop stuttering... I have to think about everything that happened...All the death, the blood...All the body parts everywhere. I think I'm going to be sick-

"After what happened!" Kickin shouts at me again, I don't want to say it. I don't think I could do it right now. I can feel myself starting to sweat, it's getting uncomfortable... I can't breathe properly, how am I supposed to handle all this? Why? why? why?why? why? why? why? why? Why did everyone join in and kill so much.... I think I'm going to throw up-




"STOP SHOUTING.....And let him explain slowly... You're going to explain it to us, aren't you Angel?"

I don't answer...I'm too scared, plus my stomach is turning funny and I look around slowly again, now I understand...They're scared too. No... Not of what's happening.... They're afraid of me'. I just want to drop dead...right now so that this finally ends. ose my eI'll just clyes now.... But in the darkness I see you....DogDay

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