Chapter 5: The Beauty in Chases

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Angel Pov:

"Erm... you wouldn't happen to know a way out of here, would you Angel?"

'And I was just about to leave here' But she spirits the name so..... Good out.

While they can't see me yet, I reshape my hand back to normal, 'it hurts, it was already just rotten flesh'

"By the way, we're the Smilling Critters, I'm DogDay and this is Kickinchicken and that's.......



'Catnap?' did I just hear that right?, no I must have misheard....

"Have you guys got any food...?" I say the first thing that comes to mind, it's also the most important to me, because i can feel the hunger starting again.

My stomach growls loudly... Very loud, and they all stare at me, it's very unpleasant. They all look at me at the same time.... so many eyes and all of them on me. The pig stares the most, I think she realises that I'm made almost entirely of bones.

"Hes very skinny" i hear one of them wispering.

"No, unfortunately not, but if we join forces, I'm sure we can find something, can't we?"

I'm too uncomfortable to say anything, even though DogDay is the only one I trust. Still, I don't know what to say... I will stay quiet for now.

I turn round and walk past them to the big cell, if it goes from there to the bouncy castles I know the way now, but if-

"HEY, WHAT ARE THESE THINGS?" The unicorn started screaming 'Things?' I turn round again and stop... for a few seconds i can't really see what she means... but then-

"QUICK" I shouted it out of instinct, because I know from experience that these things eat everything they come into contact with. I run forward to the big cell but I can't see the wood squares on the floor.

"AHHH" I fall on my left side. I crash into the room below and feel like I've broken something, but finally something good happens.

"HEY ARE YOU OKAY ANGEL?" DogDay again, 'she worries too much about me... And she's only known me for a few seconds'

"COME HERE I KNOW THE WAY" I shout again, because from down here I know the way... 'This was the crawling section, I know everything here' I crawled straight into the first tube and heard one of them jump down behind me and then shout

"LAND SAFE AND FOLLOW ME" It was DogDay's voice again, even in a situation like this, where we are being chased by small carnivorous creatures and she has to jump so far down, she stays *perfect*. I quickly crawl on to the opening directly in front of me, 'That should be the quickest way. Behind me I can already hear Dogday crawling fast behind me, and the last of them jumps down the hole.

But the moment I feel safe...

'Tshhh' "Huh?" what? the tube has closed... but what am I supposed to do now? No, we're all dying because of me, and me alone. I can't watch those things bite the flesh off my bones. My heart is about to jump out of my chest, and I can't think anymore... we're all going to die he-

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