Chapter 6: The Bright Side

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DogDay Pov:

I didn't want to scare him.... He was just standing there so small and scared at the big door, and I thought...well

He was scared.

I don't blame him for pushing me, he must have seen things down here that we can't even imagine. Besides, he saved us, you can't blame him for that. I've also heard his stomach a few times while we were running after him... I can't imagine how many weeks or months he hasn't eaten. He looks pretty skinny under that black shirt.

But now the group is taking a little distance from him, probably out of fear...

"He's crazy! And he's got all these scars... what do you think happened to him?" Kickin's statements are really not nice, he certainly can't help the scars, 'that was done to him'. And I don't even want to think about what was done to him when he reacts like that to a light paw on his shoulder...

"The way he pushed you in addition to that DogDay how are we supposed to trust him?"

I don't really think I need to answer that, 'We have no choice' but at the same time I feel sorry for him... He has no light in his eyes like we have.

"And what about his arm? Didn't you see that he deformed himself as if his body was made of-

"Now stop it! We have to trust him... Have you forgotten that he got us out of the cell?" now I'm looking at them all, Kickin and Hoppy are looking at the floor, Bubba is looking around a bit, and the rest are just looking away... Except CatNap.

"In a good moment we can ask him where we are or why we are here Okay, for now we have to follow him and-


? 'did something happen?

"Hey where did he go?" I look ahead and he really ran away. So he really doesn't trust us... but that can still be changed. He probably needs his time as well as CatNap, he doesn't really seem to like being around others.

The room where the noise came from is...a kitchen?

Angel Pov:


Food. So much, in every cupboard and in tins... It looks like a normal kitchen from school, so many cupboards and places to sit... I'm in heaven.

The whole kitchen is brown, a bit worn but there's no blood anywhere. I think this is where I'll be staying for the time being. I just can't believe it, a few days ago I was thinking about just letting CatNap or the prototype kill me, and now I finally have the chance to not be permanently hungry... well...CatNap, theres on with them that Looks like the One from here....

I quickly stand on a chair to get to a small white cupboard. I'm still so small, 'I'll have to change that later'. Of all the cupboards, this one looks the cleanest, so I slowly reach for the cold lever and pull it open. I was actually expecting food...but-

"Water..." So many bottles... and they are*cold. I immediately take one out and Another one Falls to the Floor, but I don't care, I get off the chair and kneel down in front of one of the dirtier cupboards... I once saw one of Miss Delight's sisters here taking out something like food. I open the cupboard and it has two leftovers inside. I slowly grab one of the trays with my right hand and my bottle of water with my left. My body still hurts so I prefer to sit on the floor for now.

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