He awoke before me the commotion had caused a stir, the ship was due to reach their planet in 10 months time. Instead the plane had turned on every single booster and was hurtling towards their planet at full pace. Tugriks has awoken to a knock at the door, one of his men had entered. He did not pay any attention to me instead spoke loudly and quickly to tyrgiss. He let out a deep growl before chucking on his clothes and heading out the door, then man following behind. Whatever it was not good. Even when I headed back to my room, I could tell everything was wrong. All aliens on the ship where hurriedly rushing around, some had papers in the their hand others weapons. Women where being pulled out their rooms by the warriors each one looking confused. And then there was Bethany, she had tears in her eyes and she looked sad. I called her name as she was dragged away from me. One of the men dragged me to my knees, speaking in his language before injecting me with something in the back of my neck. He scanned my face before flicking me away and grabbing another women. Ivy was by her bedroom door, yelling at the men trying to approach her, basically kicking and screaming. They scanned her face from afar before forcefully pinning her down and injecting her in the neck also. "What the fuck is this all about?" She yells as she pushed her bedroom door open with her foot. Her eyes are glaring at the man she was paired with. He does not speak as an announcement run out in the aliens native tounge. Disaster is everywhere. "I said what is happening!" She screams at him as another women is pulled from her bedroom screaming.
"We are due to land any moment now." He states as emergency sirens start blaring and red lights flicker.
"What do you mean we have another 10 months!" I yell as the ship starts to rock slightly.
"Yes that was the plan 5 hours ago, the roughes have entered the king and queens palace. Three of them are on the ship they have them hostage. They made the ship speed up so the rouges can kill then and take over the crown." He states as he pulls on his clothes and leaves the two of us stood there.
"Wait!" I yell as he walks away but he doesn't look back.
"We need to find Bethany!" I yell as icy looks at me. "They took her! They dragged her away. And I don't know why or where they have taken her!" I scream as the two of us head towards the last direction I saw her.
"Maybe the roughes requested her?" She stated as I glare at her.
But the warriors are no where to be seen neither are the women. They have all vanished. The alarms are still sounding and the ship continues to shake. Before we could even brace the ship smashed into the planets ground causing me to completely black out.
The air was thick, and smoke and the smell of fire caught me throat. The ship was smashed into tiny pieces, and I stumbled through the rubbish to the outside world. Ivy was no where to be seen, and the fire was spreading more and rapidly. My ankle was sore and swollen and each step caused me to almost scream in pain. I mange to get as far away as I could before clasping, and the ship burst into flames and exploded. I forced myself towards the woods, dragging my body with my arms unable to walk anymore. My whole body was sore but I needed shelter, espically if those animals where around. There was no noise just silence and the occasional crackle from the fire in the ship. I spent all night crawling and most of the early morning before I found an empty wooden hut. Instead there was leafes and a small space for a fire. Someone had been sleeping here the section to the left was flattened and there was a makeshift pillow out of Cotten fabric.
I climbed into the bed covering myself with leaves for warmth and falling into a deep sleep. When I awoke the fire was lit and the house was warm. A older lady was perched on a handmade wooden stool, her eyes glanced at me.
"Slowly you have been asleep for many days." She states as she grabs a wooden plate from the side and pours some soup that was warming over the fire. "Here drunk this." She says her alien accent thick. I take a few sips before draining the whole thing. "I have tried my best to patch your wounds. But you need to rest. I stared down at my leg that was swollen before and had a bone poking through the skin. It was now fixed and you would never have noticed the damage that was once there.
"Thank you." I mumble as she vows her head. "Now sleeps." She states as I drift back into a intoxicating sleep. I spent the next week drifting in and out of sleep each time the women was there to care for me.
When I finally awoke fully from my sleep she was muttering words over me, her hands on my head. "Human I worry for you. I see Your path here is not going to be easy!" She stated as I sit up taking the hot bowl of soup out of her hands. "What do you mean."
"I cannot explain child."
"Have you seen any of my kind? Are they alive?" I ask as she shakes her head.
"Very few of your kind made it out alive. And those that did are under the roughes commands now." She stated as I just stare at her. Beth? Ivy? Targriss? Where are they...
"Did they... did they take over the crown?" I ask as she nods her head slowly.
"There was blood shed. The king and queen where murdered in the very ship you fled. Aliens are angry at your kind. They believe, well they believe that humans are to blame for the death of their leaders." She states as I look bewildered. "But I..." I couldn't find anything to say."I will help you child. Help you learn the way of us so that your time on this planet is not a hard one." She states.

Planet Serenthia
RomanceThe population of planet Serenthia has been depleting after all their women became sick. In order to rebuild the population and fight the war that has taken over the planet, they invade Earth taking 10,000 women. They are given the orders to repopul...