1. Healing

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Before we get into this story i just want to say i hope you like it and i will try and update any chance i get as my GCSEs are coming up and i need to spend time prepping. Anyways i wont keep you long on this authors note, enjoy the story!


It had been three months since Sherlock's return from his "suicide" and John was still fighting to fix the pain he felt when he lost his best friend. He moved back into 221B two months ago and stopped seeing his therapist the day Sherlock came home, John didn't like his therapist anyways and felt as though she did not understand how deep his platonic love was for his consulting detective. 

John had not realized how much it would hurt to lose Sherlock until it happened. It never even crossed his mind that Sherlock would one day be gone as in Johns mind, he saw Sherlock as  immortal . It certainly never crossed his mind that Sherlock would want to kill himself until John saw him jump off Saint Bart's Hospital. 

It shook John up so badly, it didn't just feel like he lost his best friend. It felt like he lost his partner in crime, his world, his everything  and dare i say his "platonic" lover. 

John would visit Sherlock's grave everyday and speak to it for hours, begging for a miracle, longing to feel his touch again. He would kid himself into thinking he was actually speaking directly to him and took this as an opportunity to say everything he had wanted to say to Sherlock but never had the courage to. It was at this point when John realized why everyone thought he was gay. They could see through John like he was a window. 

John loved his consulting detective.

This brought John to tears as he realized it was far too late,  his Sherlock was gone and there was nothing he could do about it. This day was the day he moved out of Baker Street and moved back into his old flat. He could no longer live in 221B, he felt like he was drowning sitting in his armchair across from Sherlocks thinking of all the memories they made and the ones they could have created if he just had another chance.


Mycroft kept Sherlock updated on Johns every move but he couldn't take hearing it anymore. He just wanted to go home and comfort his Dr. In the end Sherlock was basically begging on his knees to go back to London and Mycroft had to give him. He could see how affected Sherlock was by this and Mycroft knew he would feel the same if he got told he could no longer see his partner again so he let Sherlock go.

Sherlock tracked John down and saw that he was living in a flat that he recognized as Johns old accommodation and decided he would go and surprise him. He stopped off at the shops first and bought flowers and a "i am sorry" card for John, knowing it wont fix what he caused but will hopefully bring some light to the situation.

He stood outside Johns apartment door and contemplated what to do next. Sherlock knew that no matter how long he held this off for, the reaction would be the same so he went for it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A tired and ill looking John opened the door, looking slightly towards the ground. He was about to speak but froze, he recognized that blue trench coat from a mile away. John slowly lifted his head up noticing things as his head ascended in what felt like slow motion. Flowers and a card in one hand, a blue scarf and finally a face he only knew as his detective.

" i owe you an explanation. I am so sor-" 

Sherlock paused as he saw Johns face, his hand was covering his mouth and his eyes were filled with tears. He could not believe what he was looking at, all of his miracles came true in that one moment.

"John its okay come here." 

He pulled the doctor into his arms and the noise he heard next was something he knew was coming but had no time to prepare for. John started violently sobbing, more than he had ever cried before as he held onto Sherlock. His legs buckled and had no choice but to drop to the floor, bringing the detective down with him. They sat on the floor , never letting go of each other as John spilled out all the tears he had bottled up. Sherlock did not like seeing John upset and the thought that he had caused this pain brought tears to his eyes.He never meant to hurt him, only protect him.

They never spoke of this day again after John moved back in to Baker Street but they both knew deep down, they carried it with them, never forgetting it.


Bit of a sad first chapter but i hope you enjoyed it!

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