15. The question

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Today was finally the day that Sherlock had been planning for ages now. The day of the proposal. As far as John was aware, him and Sherlock were going for a casual picnic as it was summer and the weather was nice.

John and Sherlock started off their morning how they usually do, cuddle up in bed with a cup of tea just enjoying each others company.

"We both know how shocking i am at cooking food so Mrs Hudson has made the food for today. ill collect it from her flat when i'm ready, you can get ready first though." Sherlock looked at John as he got out of bed and smiled to himself, all he could think about was please say John says yes. 

John got in the shower and this was the perfect opportunity to rush downstairs to Mrs Hudson to collect the food and get some final words of affirmation.

"Have you finished the food yet Mrs Hudson, John is currently in the shower." Sherlock bounded through Mrs Hudson's flat door, she was standing by the table, packing the picnic basket full of all the lovely food she made.

"Yes i have Sherlock, i'm just packing it all now for you." Mrs Hudson stopped what she was doing and turned to face Sherlock with the biggest smile on her face," I am so happy for you although i must know, are you nervous at all?"

Sherlock looked towards the ground and began to shuffle around," Yeah i guess, i am just scared that John will say no, that's all."

"It will go fine Sherlock i promise, I've seen how in love John is with you and trust me i will be shocked if he says no." Mrs Hudson resumed her packing as Sherlock let those words sink in. She was right, why would he ever say no?! "Right, I've finished now so you can take the picnic basket, have fun and good luck!"


The two men pulled up to the beach, it was a lovely day and the sun was beaming down on the earth around them. Sherlock took John's hand and guided him towards a shady spot under a tree, away from the crowds of people on the beach and layed down a picnic blanket. 

"So what sort of food did Mrs Hudson cook then?" John took a seat on the picnic blanket as Sherlock opened the basket. A delicious aroma consisting of all sorts of food filled the air in a subtle yet sweet way.

"Its all stuff you like John. There's sandwiches, fruit, mini chicken bite thingys, some crisps and other stuff." 

John looked up at Sherlock with the most loving eyes. Sherlock had been so romantic recently and John was falling in love with him more and more every day, "Wow and you organised this all yourself? Thank you so much Sherlock, i love you." 

"I love you too John, now come on, eat up i have plans for later!" John looked at Sherlock with a puzzled look on his face but all he got back was a warm smile. The kind of smile that makes you melt.

They sat together on that picnic blanket for hours chatting, eating, drinking and just having a nice time. After the food was finished they layed down together in each others arms and watched the clouds go by.

"That cloud kind of looks like that fake hound from that case we did in Baskerville ages ago don't you think?" Sherlock found this comment John made very amusing but he was right, it really did look like the scary 'hound' they saw all those years ago.

"Yeah your right, and that one over there looks like a suitcase, the one from our first ever case together." That was a case Sherlock would never forget, the day he met the love of his life, his soulmate and his soon to be husband.

"Oh yeah it does! That case is embedded in my mind, it was the first time i had felt love for a man, i just did not know it at the time. You probably did though, now that i look back on it i was so obviously head over heels i don't know how i didn't see it coming!" John sat up and turned to face Sherlock,"I have had a really nice day Sherlock, thank you for this." 

Sherlock too sat up and lightly kissed his doctor," The day isn't over yet, lets take a walk along the beach!" 

They packed up the picnic and took the blanket and basket back to the car that they had borrowed from Mrs Hudson for the day. Sherlock put the bits in the boot then took Johns hand to guide him to the sandy beach ahead. It was almost time to ask the question.

The sun had begun to set as they made their way down to the beach and everyone had scarped off home, leaving the two men with the beach to themselves.

They reached the sand and John kicked off his shoes, "You gonna join me Sherlock?" He grabbed Sherlock's hand and began to sprint towards the sea.

As they were running, Sherlock was rushing to remove his shoes, being careful not to trip over. Just as they reached the sea, his shoes were off and they stepped into the water.

"JESUS JOHN ITS FREEZING!" Sherlock shouted but John did not care, holding his detectives hand was all the warmth he needed.

The two men played about in the sea for a while like children, kicking the salty water at each other in a game of 'who can splash who the most'. By the time they got out it was 8 o clock and the sun was barely visible anymore, painting the sky in beautiful orange and pink hues like it was a canvas.

"John i have something to ask you." He grabbed Johns hand softly and locked eyes with his.

"What is it?" John looked worried. Why was Sherlock so serious all of a sudden they were just playing around a second ago. Had he done something?

"Since the day i met you on our first ever case i knew that you would mean more to me than anyone else. Our first meal together was an eye opener and i knew that no matter what i would stick by your side through thick and thin. I know i technically did not keep that promise as i went away for a couple years but it was all to protect you, i would do anything to keep you safe and to protect you John you know that. That's why i faked my blimming death!" Sherlock and John lightly chuckled, tears streaming delicately down both their faces," What i am trying to say is that it has always been us against the world, and i want it to stay like that forever. I simply cannot begin to fathom a life without you. I want to be with you, be by your side till death do us part."

Sherlock paused and got down on one knee, pulling a velvet ring box out of his hand.

"John Hamish Watson, will you marry me?"

John nodded his head through chocked sobs," Yes. God yes!" 

Sherlock placed the ring gently on his doctors finger and stood up. He grabbed John by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Deeper than the ocean waved crashing around them. They stayed like that for a minute until both men had to come up for air.

"I love you so much Sherlock Holmes." He pulled the detective in for a hug he wished was everlasting and gripped tightly.

"I love you too, John Watson."


I really hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as i enjoyed writing it! Please make sure to rate this book and please let me know if you want a sequel as i will be more than happy to make one! 

Love you guys xx

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