6. Weekend away pt1

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John woke up to the sound of the alarm he had set the night before, it was 3am and they had to be at the airport in an hour.

"Sherlock, wake up we have to get ready to go." John knew Sherlock did not want to go on a weekend away with Lestrade and his brother, he had been begging John all week to just say home but he refused, knowing it would be good for them to take a break from work.

Sherlock finally started to stir and wake up, he was in a grumpy mood as he knew what today was,"Cant i have 5 more minutes in bed?"He pulled John tighter hoping he would give in.

"Sherlock no get up now otherwise ill invite Anderson and Sally on the trip too"

This comment worked and Sherlock shot out of bed, giving John a stern look as he did so,"Fine ill go, only because i love you."

They exchanged a warm smile and begun their morning routine.


"Seriously Sherlock you didn't pack, you've had all week to do this why didn't you pack!?" They had to be at the airport in 20 minutes and John discovered that Sherlock had not prepared at all for their trip.

"I was so sure on the fact that i could make you change your mind that i didn't bother."John shot Sherlock a look and grabbed his suitcase, signalling for him to pack.

They managed to get out the door at 3:45 and climbed into a cab, "London Airport please,"John said to the cab driver, the driver looked grumpy so John said nothing else, knowing what it felt like working a night shift.

As they pulled up to the airport, John realized that Sherlock had fallen asleep on his shoulder and was softly snoring, he looked so vulnerable and peaceful sleeping but he knew this quiet moment would not last forever as there were about to be two very aggravated, sleep deprived Holmes kids in the airport. John sighed, preparing himself for the drama.

"Sherlock, wake up,"He lightly shook his detective awake,"We are at the airport now."

This comment made Sherlock groan but he remembered the threat John made earlier and knew that he could not protest any longer, so he got up and got out the cab, whilst John paid.

They had arranged to meet Lestrade and Mycroft outside a restaurant in duty free so they got all their passport and security checks done and made their way over to the meeting point. 

"You alright mate?"Lestrade said as Sherlock and John approached. Only John went over to talk to Greg as Sherlock ran off to start a fight with Mycroft,"Sherlock looks a bit-"

"Tired and grumpy, yeah. He did not appreciate being woken up at 3am, i had to threaten to bring Sally and Anderson on the trip just to get him up!"The two men chuckled and shared more stories from the events of this morning but they got stopped by the sound of shouting.

They turned around to see Mycroft pulling Sherlock's hair and Sherlock hitting Mycroft with his umbrella, both shouting abuse at each other. Greg and John shared a look before running over to break apart the Holmes kids,"What the hell are you two doing?"

Both Sherlock and Mycroft started shouting their side of the story, no one could understand what they were saying as they were talking over each other.Before anything else could be said, a voice over the intercom called out their gate number and said it was closing in five minutes. The four men shared a look and sprinted towards the gate, they were meant to be there earlier but Mycroft and Sherlock's uproar got in the way of the plan. They all managed to make it to the gate with one minute to spare and walked on the plane to locate their seats. Mycroft and Greg sat in front of Sherlock and John, they figured it would be better to sit like his as if Mycroft was behind Sherlock, he would try and yank his curly locks clean off his brothers head.

The flight attendants made sure everyone was strapped in then began their infamous safety show. John had noticed that during this, Sherlock grew more and more fidgety as they got closer to takeoff ,"Are you okay Sherlock?" He had never seen the detective so anxious about anything except from when he though John was gone.

"I don't like planes Jawn,"Sherlock was basically on the verge of tears, talking quietly as he spoke," I've never liked planes, what if it malfunctions, there's nothing they can do but crash"

John grabbed Sherlock's hand and held it in his, calming him down slightly,"Its okay Sherlock, i'm here and as long as i am here, i will let nothing happen to you, you're safe with me and i'm safe don't worry."John opened his arm for Sherlock and let him rest on his shoulder, kissing the top of his head as he got comfy," As soon as we take off and can remove our seat belts, ill let you get more comfortable okay?" Sherlock nodded and gave John a weak smile.


They were safely in the air now meaning their seat belts could come off. Sherlock was already asleep but John knew that the position he was in was uncomfortable. He carefully unbuckled his belt, trying hard to not wake up his detective and slowly guided Sherlock's head into johns lap. Sherlock felt what John was doing as he was only half sleep anyways and swiveled his body so he was laying horizontally on the chairs, his head in his doctors lap. He fell back asleep as John played with his hair, twizzling his curls in his finger.

Lestrade looked back to see how John and Sherlock were doing as it had gone pretty silent and the sight he witnessed was adorable. He tapped Mycroft on the shoulder and told him to look too, "Mycroft look at John and Sherlock, take a picture!" As mycroft turned he saw Sherlock in johns lap with John sleeping upright, hands still in Sherlock's hair. He whipped out his phone and snapped a picture of the couple, looking like a proud mum as he did so, Mycroft giggled at the picture as he knew that he could use this against Sherlock later on

"That would make a smashing wedding picture, if they ever get married." Mycroft had turned back now to look at Lestrade and smiled," Do you think they will get married?"

"Yeah i think so, eventually. I mean look at them, they've been going out for like a week and they are already closer than most couples. And don't bully Sherlock with this information, but anytime John was at work, Sherlock would call me for hours begging for advice on how to confess to John." Mycroft laughed at this information.

"That is very unlike my brother to ask for help, he must have been desperate!" The two men giggled about the thought of Sherlock being desperate for help and cuddled up as they too grew very tired.

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