9. Birthday!

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It had been three months since their trip to Belgium. John had been waiting and planning this day for ages now and he was so excited for what was to come, it was Sherlock's birthday. John had managed to plan a whole day for Sherlock behind his back which took a lot of hard work and a lot of dedication to keep it a secret.

John was lying next to Sherlock in the bed, his head on his detectives chest and he had to come up with an idea on how to get up without waking him. He managed to manoeuvre himself off the bed slowly and tip-toed into the kitchen to start making Sherlock his breakfast in bed. 

Sherlock had woken up before John finished the breakfast and strolled into the kitchen to see what was going on. He was greeted with the sight of John in a blue and white striped apron, making bacon and very fluffy pancakes with maple syrup. The kettle was brewing in the corner as John flipped over the last pancake. Sherlock creeped up behind him," What are you doing John?" John jumped in his skin, not expecting the detective to be up yet as it was only 7 in the morning and he usually sleeps in.

"Jesus Christ Sherlock you scared the hell out of me!" John turned around to face his detective, looking up into those pretty blue eyes of his," Happy birthday." He got up on his tip toes and kissed him on the lips, smiling at him as he pulled away.

"How did you know it was my birthday John, i don't tell anyone that."

"I knew it was some time in January but you would never tell me the day so i called Mycroft to ask and he of course delivered the message that it was in fact on the 6th."

Sherlock rolled his eyes, he should have known Mycroft would spread this information. The last pancake was ready and the tea was made so John placed it all on the table and they both sat down and tucked in.

"Once you have eaten your breakfast i need you to get dressed into something comfy, like a jumper and some trousers as we are going out. But before you ask i am not telling you where we are going."John had planned to take Sherlock and him ice skating as it was the only activity available for the time of year and he knew how much Sherlock loved dancing so he thought it was perfect idea. 

Sherlock looked at John with a confused expression plastered across his face but listened to the command anyways and swiftly scoffed down his last pancake. Once he had finished, he put his plate in the sink and went to have a shower. John decided to make the risky decision of picking out Sherlock's outfit for the day as he knew that his version of 'casual' was an all black suit with matching trousers. He chose some plain black trousers but he needed to find a top, it was a cold day but the only tops Sherlock owned were smart shirts or T-shirts so he let him borrow one of his plain grey jumpers. 


They got out of the car and made their way over to the ice rink, hand in hand. They got given their ice skates and were now sitting down attempting to put them on. "Jawn can you help me do the straps up on my skates its too tight." Of course John agreed and he bent down to help him,"Thank you for this and thank you for taking me ice skating and making breakfast!" 

"That's okay Sherlock, its my duty as your boyfriend to make sure you have a fun filled birthday, anyways come on lets get on the ice, we only have an hour."They stepped onto the rink, John had been ice skating many times before and considered himself quite good at it whereas Sherlock had never been before.He slipped over the second he stepped on to the ice, grabbing John in the process and bringing him down with him. They laughed at this and helped each other up, making sure Sherlock was now holding on to the edge, "John can you teach me how to skate, i have never done this before."

 He agreed and kept a tight grip on Sherlock's hand as they went around the rink, making sure to teach him the 'push, push, glide' method as they did so. By the time the hour was up, Sherlock was a natural at skating after figuring out it was very similar to dancing ,which he very much enjoys! Sherlock thanked John again for taking him out and they hollered a cab.


"Sherlock i need you to dress really smart now, obviously i can't say why so don't bother asking just make sure you look presentable please." John was trying to help Sherlock pick out an outfit as they had to leave the house in ten minutes and John had already got ready," I know, why don't you wear your purple shirt with the same trousers you worse today, you know how much i love that shirt on you." Sherlock grinned at John and took of his jumper to change into the famous shirt. John watched as Sherlock whipped off the jumper, staring in awe at his detectives muscles and abs, he would have had Sherlock right then and there if they didn't have to leave the house in rapid time. But hey, there was always time later, he thought with a smirk across his face.

"Right are you done staring now John are we ready to go." Sherlock grinned at his doctor, of course he had noticed Johns eyes trailing up and down his body, it was hard not to notice.

They left the building and climbed in the cab that John made Mycroft reserve earlier on. Sherlock was still unaware of where they were going and he was confused on how the cab driver knew exactly where to take them without anyone saying anything. All these questions were still circling around his head as they pulled up to a very fancy looking hall, there was a very obvious sound of music blaring from inside and on the door to the hall there was a banner that read 'happy birthday Sherlock'. 

They stepped out the cab and began to walk hand in hand towards the hall, "Right close your eyes Sherlock i will guide you inside but you must not peep!" John knew that Sherlock would not abide these rules so he put his hands over Sherlock's eyes and guided him into the hall. As they entered the music came to a rapid stop and the room grew very quiet. John removed his hands from Sherlock's eyes and everyone in the room shouted in unison, "SURPRISE SHERLOCK!" This startled him and he wondered how John had managed to plan a whole surprise party behind his back. The music started up again and everyone continued their chatter as Sherlock looked around the room to see who was invited. He saw the whole of Scotland Yard, Molly Hooper, Mycroft and Lestrade, Mrs Hudson and oh my god. He stopped in his tracks as he got to eye view of the lasts guests at the party, it was his mother and father who he hadn't see in over ten years.

Sherlock turned to John with the most happiest and shocked look on his face that John had ever seen. He grabbed his hand and they ran towards Sherlock's parents.He let go of his tight grip on Johns hand and jumped into his mothers arms, crying tears of joy," I missed you so much mother i cannot believe you guys showed up!"

"Well John sounded pretty urgent when he invited us, and how could we miss meeting your new boyfriend." Sherlock's mum leaned closer to him and whispered into Sherlock's ear," Hes a keeper for sure, and hes very handsome too." She backed away from Sherlock and took her husbands arm to go and get some food.

"Thank you so so so much John for this amazing day and what you have done." John stood on his tip toes and kissed Sherlock on the cheek.

"You don't need to thank me, you deserve this. But if you really do want to thank me, show me later." He winked at Sherlock before taking his hand to introduce him to the other guests.


I know this was quite a long chapter, i just got a boost of motivation, hope you are enjoying the story so far ;)

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