11. New case

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Sherlock and John spent their morning just like they usually do, tea in bed cuddled up next to each other until mid morning however today was different. They were both up at the crack of dawn, rushing out the door ready to head to Scotland Yard for another case. Lestrade had called Sherlock at 5am begging him and John to help him with a case that he thinks links to the watch murder from a few months ago.

They managed to get out the flat and call a cab in the course of about 10 minutes, which was a new achievement for the couple, especially Sherlock who always took far too long to chose out an outfit that always ended up being the same suit.


John paid the cab driver and they sprinted into Scotland Yard, towards Lestrade's office. The door was already open and they could hear him talking to someone with a very familiar voice, it was Mycroft.

"Don't worry Greg, my brother will be able to solve this case in no time, you know he will."

"I'm not worried about that, i'm worried about the fact that they are in danger. Something is going to happen i can feel it, will you please come to the crime scene with me, i need all the support i can get." 

"What do you mean we are in danger?" Sherlock and John had heard their whole conversation and had now entered the office.

"Oh no its nothing you're probably fine, i just worry a lot that's all." Greg tried to clear the air with a light chuckle but it did not work. Sherlock was worried that he would lose John, John was thinking the same."Anyways we need to go to the scene now, someone was murdered last night inside the art gallery down the road, and we have reasons to believe that this murder is linked to the man who was stabbed over a watch a few months ago."


As they approached the police tape, Sherlock could see the mans lifeless body laying on the ground. All that was running though his head was, what if that was Johns lifeless body, Lestrade wouldn't worry for no reason. 

"The body was found this morning by security, he has been stabbed in the neck and it looks as though he has only been dead for about 10 hour-"

"Why is this linked to the other case?" Sherlock was beginning to get impatient, he just wanted to know if his John was going to be safe or not.

"Right yes as i was about to say, we found a note in the mans pocket that i think you will recognize." Greg handed Sherlock the folded up piece of paper and his heart dropped. The note read 'Your next' just like the original note and it was in the same handwriting as the note that had been sent to his door saying 'we have John'. Sherlock was worrying now, more than before, he could not lose John. If he lost John, he would lose himself.

"I knew you would recognize it, its the same one from before, which must mean that this case links with the-" Greg's phone rang in his pocket, "Hello DI Lestrade speaking.. What another one, okay we will be right there." He hang up the phone and gave Sherlock a worried look," There's been another murder."


They rushed to the other crime scene, this time in a museum only 10 minutes away from the first location. Lestrade explained what happened as they ran over to the body, "Apparently this guy was also stabbed in the neck by the same weapon as the one from before but it has not been located yet, oh and they found another note in the guys left pocket, same writing and same handwriting on it showing us that all three of these cases link together." It felt as though Sherlock's heart was in his throat, what if what Greg was worrying about earlier was true, what if he and John were in danger, and what if they mainly wanted John.

Sherlock could feel his throat closing up and he was struggling to breathe as he felt a wave of panic wash over him," I'm going to stand outside for a minute." He could hear John calling his name as he darted out of the museum. Once he got outside he sat on the cold concrete with his back up against the wall and began to shake. Sherlock could not stop shaking and his breathing difficulty increased, he had never felt like this before. 

"Sherlock whats wrong are you alright?" John came over and crouched down in front of his detective, who looked as pale as anything.

"I don't know John. I feel really dizzy, i cant stop shaking and i cant breathe properly, whats wrong with me?" 

"Its okay, i think you are having a panic attack. Don't worry i have years of experience with these, just follow my lead and take deep breaths okay." John put his hand on Sherlock's chest and instructed him to breathe in and out slowly, it seemed to work and he eventually calmed down.

"Thank you John i don't know what happened there." He was lying. But of course he couldn't tell John that he had a panic attack as he thinks that his doctor is in danger so it was the only safe thing to do.

"Its okay Sherlock, panic attacks can come on quite sudden so i understand why it was scary. I will take you home now, we can just tell Lestrade that you don't feel very well."

They called a cab and shortly left the crime scene to return back home to Baker Street.

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