3. The case

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Hello! Hope you are enjoying the story so far, i promise it will get better as it goes on :)))


Sherlock and John stepped out of the cab and walked towards Greg Lestrade and a few other members of Scotland Yard. As the body came more into focus, Sherlock already started making deductions on how or why this person was killed and if it linked to anything. John couldn't help but to stare at the beautiful consulting detective getting excited about a new case finally happening, it had been so long .

Sherlock held up the police tape for John as he always does and just before he was about to go under himself, he spotted Anderson and Sally gossiping as they always do. For most people this would make them feel insecure but to Sherlock it was quite amusing and he knew it was only out of spite or jealousy.

"Hey freak, you ready to solve another case with your boyfriend", sally jeered. She, along many others assumed that Sherlock and John were together and she found it very funny to joke about it. Anderson too started laughing at this comment, not because he found it funny, he just thought it was fun to laugh at Sherlock.

"Hey Sally, you ready to pretend you and Anderson didn't sleep together last night?". John heard this as he was walking towards Greg and couldn't help but to smirk at him. Sherlock loved throwing a good few comebacks at them as he knew he was good at coming up with some on the spot.

"How did you-"

"You're both wearing each others jeans, i am not sure whether that was intentional or not but by the look on your faces i can see it was an accident, bye bye" Sherlock walked under the tape and watched as both Anderson and Sally's face went bright red from sheer embarrassment. He smiled to himself and walked over to Lestrade and his John.

"We found the body this morning. He has been stabbed in his chest but we cannot locate the weapon anywhere and it looks as though the body has been dead for over 48 hours"  

Sherlock bent down to examine the body for any further clues that Scotland Yard would've missed and of course, he found something.

"John come look at this", John bent down next to Sherlock and took whatever clue he had found. It was a scrunched up piece of paper in the mans left pocket that read "you're next" 

Those two words sent shivers down Johns spine. What does the note mean? Who is it addressed to? All these questions were at the back of Johns mind, all he could think about was what if the letter was addressed to Sherlock. And what if the perpetrator knew Sherlock would investigate the case so whoever it was planted the note there as a warning.  

Sherlock must have sensed Johns worry and put his arm around John, pulling him in for a warm embrace. John froze just like he did in the kitchen, yet this time it was different. He didn't feel awkward about it, he saw it as a sign that Sherlock may just like him back although he was pretty sure he was just being delusional. Still, he took it as an opportunity and rested his head against Sherlock shoulder, his heart pounding in his chest. Out of the corner of his eye, John saw Sherlock smile, it was a warm smile.  A loving smile.

Lestrade cleared his throat behind them to remind them that they were still on a crime scene and that he needed answers."Any ideas Sherlock, we've been here for a little while now"

"Shut up Graham i'm thinking right now"Sherlock never let go on John, keeping him safe. His thought were nearly identical to Johns, what if the guy wants to kill John?

"Its Greg, and i need answers before its too-"

"I've got it". Sherlock shot up, removing his arm from Johns shoulder and started to pace around the body."This guy right here stole a watch from the murderer thinking he could get away with it and went on holiday with his wife and newborn baby. When he returned the murderer waited outside the airport pretending to be a cab driver and picked them up. He took the wife and kid home but kept the guy in his car and took him to this location asking for the watch back. Things got heated and the guy refused so he stabbed him, took the watch and left. I am not sure why the note is there or if it is linked but it must mean something"

Greg wrote all of this information down in his notepad whilst John just stared in awe and his detective. "That is amazing Sherlock how did you work all that out"

Sherlock blushed at the complement given ", its simple really, you can tell this was a simple murder, not a serial killing as this is the only case recently like this and most murderers kill someone they know. You can see he got a tan on his holiday as this reveals that a watch was in place because of the distinctive tan line on the left wrist, also revealing he is left handed as he will most likely look to the hand the most. You can tell he is married as there is a wedding ring on his finger, this is a recent marriage as the ring is still decently clean. He has a child and we can see this from the bags under his eyes, newborns keep you up at night and it doesn't take a genius to work out that this man needs some rest." 

"Wow that was incredible" 

"Thank you Sherlock you and John can go now, i will call you if we have any leads" Sherlock walked away from the crime scene with John following closely behind him and they called a cab. Once they had arrived back at Baker Street, John payed the cab driver and let Sherlock know that he was going to pick up something from the shops. They went their separate ways, John walking to the shop round the corner and Sherlock walking into his Home.


Two hours had gone by and there was still no sign of his doctor. Sherlock grew terribly worried pacing back and forth in the living room trying to find something to occupy his mind with, this used to be a simple task for Sherlock but recently his brain had been filled to the brim with everything John. Instead, he thought he would go and visit Mrs Hudson, she always managed to cheer him up. However Mrs Hudson werent in, so Sherlock went to go back to his flat but stopped in his tracks when he saw a piece of paper sticking out of the letter box. He had a gut feeling that it would be something bad.

He picked up the note and froze feeling as though his whole world was crashing down around him. 

"We have John."

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