14. The Plan

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It had been 4 months since John's kidnapping and things had been going really well for the couple. They had been going on frequent dates, socializing more with friends and just having a really nice time. This time was about to be even better though.

Sherlock was planning something huge, something that would take more thought than any case he had ever solved.

Sherlock was planning on asking John to marry him.

However, he could not do this without any help, he would have to recruit his closets friends to help him execute his plan. First though, Sherlock had to find a way to leave the house without John finding out where he was going.

"John, i'm popping to the shops to pick up some bits for a new experiment, do you need anything?" Sherlock looked at John already knowing what he was going to say next.

"Just some more tea bags please." John got up from the armchair he was sitting on and walked over to Sherlock, kissing him on the cheek,"Thank you Sherlock, ill see you later."

Sherlock bent down and left a soft kiss on his doctors lips before leaving the flat and descending the stairs. He rushed out the door and into the cab that he had ordered, telling the cab driver to drive to Scotland Yard


As Sherlock entered the office, he caught sight of Greg and his brother making out by Lestrade's desk, not a sight he ever wanted to see. He cleared his throat to alert the two that he was in fact in the room with them and their heads swiveled round faster than ever before.

"Oh uhm hi Sherlock.. How long have you been there for?" Lestrade and Mycroft looked very flustered and embarrassed as they both took a seat in their assigned seats, facing Sherlock.

"I've been here for long enough to see things i never wanted to see, but it doesn't matter now i need to speak to you two urgently." There was a harsh tone to the word 'urgent' that captivated the attention of everyone in the room.

"Well what do you want brother mine, you're not asking for advice are you?!" Mycroft chuckled lightly at his comment but stopped abruptly when he saw his brother look down in defeat. He was genuinely asking for help.

"I need help. I have a plan to do something but i need advice so i'm asking everyone i know, starting with you two." He made no attempt to make eye contact with Mycroft or Greg while speaking,he was far too embarrassed to,"I.. Want to ask John to marry me."

The silence in the room was deafening, Greg's jaw fell open and Mycroft just stared at Sherlock not knowing what to say.

"So... Are you guys going to help me or am i wasting my time here cause i still have other people to tell." Sherlock began to grow impatient, he just wanted some advice on how to pop the question, but all he was given was silence.

"Sorry Sherlock I don't know what to say, how are you erm planning on urr proposing to him?" Mycroft was not used to love until he met Greg, and their proposal a few years ago went perfectly but he certainly never thought his younger brother would be ready to get married but here he was.

"Well that's the thing I'm not too sure, I was thinking maybe like a picnic by the beach and then propose then but I don't know if that's too romcom or not. What do you guys think?!" Sherlock was desperate for help, he had so many ideas just no clue how to execute them.

"My god Sherlock, that's a perfect idea, you should definitely do that!" Lestrade loved this idea, it reminded him of when he proposed to Mycroft all that time ago and how happy it made both of them, "You'll need someone to make the picnic food because we all know what you are like with cooking."

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