2. Growing

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John woke up this morning and smelt burning coming from the kitchen downstairs shortly followed by the blaring sound of the fire alarm. John shot up and ran down the stairs towards the kitchen thinking that Sherlock was probably doing another one of his silly experiments. However, when john entered the kitchen he saw burnt bacon in a frying pan and pancakes on the table.

There must have been an element of surprise on Johns face that he subconsciously pulled as Sherlock shot him a puzzled look back.

"What are you looking at John" Sherlock sounded defeated and spoke in his raspy morning voice that John loved.

"What are you doing, or more else what are you making"

Sherlock looked down at the floor sheepishly not wanting to look at John as he spoke.

"i wanted to do something nice for you and make breakfast". He looked up at John, feeling embarrassed and feeling more sorry than he did before he attempted to cook something for his doctor,"i still feel awful about the pain i cause you and i-" Sherlock stopped talking feeling himself getting worked up. He tried his hardest to keep a straight face but failed and a single tear fell down his cheek.

Hoping that John didn't notice, he swiftly turned around and opened the fridge to get out the milk for the tea he was about to brew.  This hope was short lived as John walked towards Sherlock and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Its okay, you don't need to make me breakfast", John chuckled,"besides its not all ruined there is still pancakes and a lovely cup of tea waiting to be made"

Sherlock, without realizing what he was doing, placed his hand on top of Johns and held it there for a moment. He felt John freeze and his heartbeat sped up with each breath he took. He quickly removed his hand from on top of Johns and continued to make tea pretending as though nothing happened.

John was so confused. Did Sherlock feel the same way that John felt or was this just him being delusional? A thousand thoughts flew around his head as he took a seat at the table, Sherlock handing John the freshly made tea as he did so. The room was filled with a deafening silence as the Baker Street boys tucked in to their pancakes and tea , not knowing what to say to each other after their subtle touch.

"Hello boys, i saw your fridge was looking sad so I bought some food for you" Mrs Hudson bounded into the kitchen holding two Tesco shopping bags worth of food," those pancakes look lovely, you are certainly getting better at cooking Sherlock".

John laughed as Sherlock jumped up to hide the evidence of the burnt food from earlier. Mrs Hudson was like a Mother to the boys, always looking out for them, and shipping them too! Sherlock saw Mrs Hudson as more of a mother than his actual mother and even though he will never admit it, he loves Mrs Hudson deeply, he just never shows it.

As Sherlock sat back down at the dinner table, his phone started buzzing, he knew exactly who it was."Hello Sherlock Holmes speaking", his face lit up as the man on the other end of the phone started asking for something," We will be there!" He hang up the phone and ran to grab his coat 

"Come on John we have a case to solve". John loved how excited Sherlock got when he was granted to solve cases, he could never stop smiling. 

They rushed out the door and jumped in a cab as they made their way down to the crime scene.

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