13. Save John Watson

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this chapter is gonna be an intense one so i hope you enjoy, we are nearing the end of this book but if you want a sequel i will be happy to write another one! Also sorry for not updating recently, i've been ill and low key struggling but its all chill </3


"These men just kidnapped John, They took him away in a van. They took him away from me!" Sherlock began to cry again as Mrs Hudson rubbed his shoulder to comfort him. Sherlock hated crying in front of people, even worse if it was his own brother who had never seen this side of him.

"Calm down Sherlock its okay, i have Lestrade next to me right now hold on." The line went silent, all that could be heard was Sherlock's choked sobs , "Sherlock, its Greg whats happened?"

"These men. Got in a car. And they kidnapped John. Save him please." It was becoming a struggle for Sherlock to breathe as he continued to cry out every tear stored up in his body

"Hey hey hey its okay don't worry i will call out a massive search party for him, we will search every nook and cranny of Great Britain even if it takes all night. We will find him okay, if you want to help you better come fast as i'm going to rush there now."

Sherlock hang up the phone and said goodbye to Mrs Hudson. Without a thought, he rushed out of the door and called a cab, he payed the cabbie triple the journey amount and convinced him to go above the speed limit. The journey that was meant to take 25 minutes only took 15. He shot out of the car and raced into Scotland Yard, towards Lestrade's office. Before Sherlock entered the office, he looked down the corridor and saw that everyone was already on the case, making phone calls left right and center and trying to locate the van. 

"Have you found him yet have you found John!?" Sherlock was exhausted from crying, yet he would not stop until he found his doctor.

"Not yet no Sherlock, but i have everyone looking for him and the van, we wont give up." This was the one time that the sibling rivalry ceased and Mycroft was being so nice to Sherlock.

"Oh.." That one simple word, no. It did not matter if Mycroft and Lestrade kept saying they would not give up, the fact that they had not found him yet was enough to send Sherlock spiraling. He took a seat in one of the armchairs in the corner of Greg's office and could not take it anymore. The stress and the feeling like he had already lost his John was too much and he lost it. He did not know how he still had the strength but alas he broke down again. He had never in his life been this worked up it was making him dizzy .

"Hey Sherlock, its okay we WILL find John trust me." Mycroft came over to the armchair and did the unexpected, he hugged him. Now he knew that this moment will never go unnoticed but what was he to do, his brother was in bits the least he could do is comfort him.

"GUYS!" Lestrade shouted, "THEY FOUND THE VAN, ITS HEADING TOWARDS AN OLD WAREHOUSE." Mycroft and Sherlock shot up and sprinted with Greg outside and jumped in a cab. 


The three men and a few other members of Scotland Yard arrived at the old warehouse. They were all armed and were being extremely cautious in case the men inside felt the need to attack anyone. As they entered the building, they could see multiple rooms, all the doors open except from one that was padlocked shut, John was in there. 

Without even thinking, Sherlock dropped his gun and ran towards this door, attempting to open it, it would not budge. He could hear muffled cries from inside and recognized them to be Johns. He proceeded to try his absolute hardest to break the door down, kicking it and slamming his whole body against it but due to breaking down multiples times earlier, he was too weak and his body gave up. He leaned against the door and slid down it, losing all feeling in his legs.

 Everyone was shocked to see this sight, first it was Sherlock sobbing and now it was him on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. Greg and Mycroft rushed over, half scolding Sherlock for going on a side quest and half helping him, picking him up and moving him away from the door so they can bust it open themselves.

After some struggle, Lestrade had managed to make a hole in the door next to the handle that was locked and weaved his hand in , unlocking the door from the inside. Him and half of Scotland yard burst through that door holding guns but the kidnappers were no where to be found. That was the least of their worries at this point in time as in the center of the room, there was John Watson, tied to a chair with tape around his mouth sobbing.

"Sherlock we found John," Greg called out to Sherlock who was resting up against the wall of the door.

Upon hearing this remark and despite the fact that he was weak to the core, Sherlock got up and rushed into the room to help untie John, "Don't worry John its okay don't cry, i'm here." He and Lestrade managed to get the rope off his hands and the duct tape off his mouth. John, out of panic and exhaustion, fell into Sherlock's arms and held him as tight as he could. The two men sobbed in each others embrace but got rudely interrupted by Anderson, "Not to ruin this cute moment with you two  but i'm pretty sure i just saw the kidnappers making a run fro the back for the warehouse." 

Greg jumped up, grabbed his gun and ran out of the room and down towards the end of the warehouse with a few following closely behind, they were certainly not going to let them get away with this. Sherlock and John did not move from their position, they wanted to stay there forever in each others arms. "Sherlock i am so so so sorry for not listening to you earlier when you told me not to go out, i understand why now." John had tears streaming down his face, feeling really shitty for earliers actions.

"Its okay John you don't need to apologize, i'm sorry for not telling you the reason why i did not want you to go out, i just didn't want to scare you."

"WE GOT THEM!" John and Sherlock heard Mycroft shout from down the other end of the warehouse. Lestrade and Anderson had cuffed the two men up and were now proceeding to drag them out, identifying them as being the murderers from earlier.

"Come on then John, lets get out of here." John and Sherlock walked hand in hand out of the warehouse, not wanting to forget one another's touch. As they got out they saw a couple police officers escorting the kidnappers in a car to the nearest police station and Lestrade watching proudly.

"The two men that kidnapped you today John are the same two men that murdered those people in the art gallery and the museum. They are also, as we thought, linked to the watch murder and the man already in prison. They were a crime trio and did it all to get your attention Sherlock. That why they kidnapped John, they wanted your attention and thank god we found John when we did because who knows what would have happened if we had arrived 10 minutes later. You two enjoy your night!" 

The couple hopped in the nearest available cab and began the long journey home, both men ended up falling asleep on each other in the backseat. It had been a long day.

They arrived back home and Mrs Hudson greeted them at the door, asking a multitude of question about what had happened.

"Me and Sherlock will answer any question you want tomorrow we are very tired right now so goodnight Mrs Hudson!"

They got into their flat, sat on the sofa and in a matter of minutes, Sherlock and John were asleep. Mrs Hudson had creeped up the stairs to deliver tea but was met with the cutest sight ever. She took a picture and dded it to her growing collection of 'Future wedding pictures'.

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