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Chapter 1~ Tears For the End of Fall 
Fall- one of my favorite seasons of all time, maybe the best of all seasons. Going to the park with my younger sister, Leaf, was always one of my favorite things to do. We would go sit on the swings and slide down the slides, but this fall…was when she left me.

I hear the hospital machine beeping out her heart beat. Lights above us, flicker. Drama outside the hallway and I’m silently crying in a hospital room. The sound of hurried footsteps and urgent voices echoed from the hallway, while I failed to subdue my tears. 我依然記得那年秋天,姐對我説的那句話。

“I would never leave your side no matter what!” She said while sitting on the swing next to me.

I smiled and answered in my head “I hope so, I love you more than anything, Leaf.” But it’s too late now, I didn’t have the chance to say it.

Lying in a white hospital bed, cords all over her body, giant machines next to her. I can’t even bear myself to look at her, she’s dying.

I clearly remember her last words were, “Ash, I believe you will be the best musician ever, keep trying, keep playing and let the whole world see my big brother as the best pianist.” As she took her last breath and closed her eyes, all the tears I was  holding in were pouring down my face.

I can’t do this, I can’t, I CAN’T!! Leaf, why did you have to leave me now? When my big concert was just a few days away, why? Why does it have to be like this?!? What have I done to deserve this punishment??

After the big concert, I quit the piano and moved on with life, ignoring almost all contact with me.

You’re the only person I have left, Leaf, and you left me, I have no one else now.

~The Day I Met You Was the Best Thing to Happen in Awhile ~

Tokyo Japan, January 26th, 2009
{Back into their present day}
On the streets of a busy place in Tokyo, car horns honked everywhere, pigeons flying onto stair railings. It’s a nice sunny day, not too hot, not too cold and the wind isn’t high at all. I took a deep breath, today is going to be a good day.

A blue haired girl of average height appeared before Ash’s front door. “Ash!!” Ash’s best friend, Dawn, yelled.

“What!!” I yelled, her scream startled me greatly and I almost threw a plant at her because of it.

“SCHOOL, YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE YOU IDIOT!” She yelled back, then ran away to catch the school bus.

“SHIT.” I gritted my teeth then quickly ran downstairs to get ready.

On the walk to school I double checked if I had brought everything but I somehow still managed to forget Dawn’s violin.  “She’s definitely going to yell at me for that one” I thought to myself

1st block: Math. I decided to draw in my math notebook instead of paying attention so when homework came, Dawn had to help.

“Still far from having a good day.”  I sighed.

“What did you draw?” Dawn kept asking and peeked over my shoulders.

“This.” I said, giving her my math notebook

On the page it was just a bunch of Pokemon drawings. (My favorite character is Pikachu). And a ton of sketches of dragons and, of course, more pokemon, pikachu specifically.

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