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Chapter 9~ Out of The Ordinary
Stormy clouds rolling in, planning to rain soon as the sky turned darker and darker. I was standing emotionless in a grassy field with relatives and friends. Today was Leaf’s funeral.

Leaf, I'm sorry that I couldnt take care of you. I'm a bad brother, how could i ket him do that to you? Like the weather, stormy thoughts are popping out all over the place in my head.

“I’m sorry for your loss, Ash.” A white haired professor came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulders.

“I’ll be fine, Professor Oak.” I lied.

“Ash, stay strong, we’ll be here for you.” All my friends said, coming up to me.

“No need to worry about me, I’ll be okay!” I forced a smile and looked at them.

I know Dawn will help me move on. I thought, looking at my group. May- you've been with me even before kindergarten, I trust you. Gary, you are the kindest but most annoying person I've met so far.

“Yeah Ashy boy, you’ll be fine with us.” Gary said, patting me on the back.

I looked at them but didn’t say anything- I really couldn't. I ‘m NOT FINE after Leaf passed, I loved her dearly. Who will I look to when I’m feeling down? Who will accompany me 24/7 now? I will have no one to sing a lullaby to after she passed away. No one could replace her, not mom, and certainly not my future girlfriend if I ever get one.

Maybe I should’ve killed myself after that funeral but I didn't, I feel stupid.

~No One is Entirely Good Nor Evil~

Itomori/Tokyo Japan, February 3rd, 2009
[Ash’s POV]
{Back into their present day}
Me and May both ran around the hospital, trying to search for Drew with no luck on our side. I felt ready to give up but we needed to find him and use his help to find Serena! She has been missing for at least 3 days and we are worried.

“Maybe we should search in the basement but I’m afraid to go.” I told May while running down the stairs and onto the 5th floor.

“I mean, where else would a missing person be and yes, I’m also afraid to go, what if we see that ghost again?” May responded, right in front of me and was holding the door.

“We probably won’t, it’s 3:48 pm, the sun is bright so maybe we won’t see it.” I told her while shutting the door behind us and started to open another door into a random hospital room.

“But the basement is like the best place for ghosts to hide- even in the daylight. What if we see multiple ghosts??” May asked, entering the room next to mine and looked around.

“It is possible to see other ghosts but remember- we can just turn the lights on.” I told her, exiting the room.

“You saw what happened last time I turned the light on, remember? That shit was right behind me!” She complained, entering another room.

“I think it’s a bit late to mention this but we’ve searched all of the hospital floors and haven’t seen a single person, did they all evacuate when we were sleeping?” I asked suddenly.

“You’re right, I haven't even realized.” May replied, scratching her head.

“Maybe ghosts are more common in abandoned places now that everyone left.” I said and panicked for a bit.

May didn’t respond in fear of another ghost so we started to search the remaining hospital rooms. After that we went into the lobby room and decided to text and call for help. May’s car was destroyed and we couldn’t get another car unless we had a key.

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