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Chapter 6~ Problems Just Keep on coming
I woke up in a white room, nothing surrounding me. There seems to be light shining on me but when I look- there’s no light bulb, no ceiling, no nothing. Is this just a dream? This can’t be real. I thought, still looking around. Just then, I hear a clatter behind me like someone dropped something, then silent whispers surround me.

You will never get free from this curseeee.”

“Endlessly running, hiding, yelling, NOTHING will help youuuuu.”

“Only one managed to escape- maybe find her and she will help- too bad she’s not hereeeeee.”

I stared wide-eyed in panic, trying to see where this voice was coming from. What is happening?? Where am I? Who are you?? I could only think, something was blocking my mouth from speaking. I can open it but no voice would come out.

“You seem to be miserable, loving hell so farrr?”

No! I want to get out of here! I screamed in my head.

“Too bad, you are trapped in this, FOREVER!”

I can’t do this, why would I be punished for being perfectly normal. I’m a good kid, does well in school and was just accepted a scholarship in music when I was just in 5th grade! What did I ever do to deserve this?

“Ashy boy, wake up!” A familiar voice called out.

Gary? I thought in my head. Gary! I’m here! Come get me out of here!

“Ash! Wake up you sleepyhead! Better wake up before I shake you.” Gary demanded but I couldn’t get out of here.

I’m sorry Gary, I can’t get out of here without your help. I sighed.


“That’s it Ash.” Gary said.

“Ahhhhhh!!!” I yelled as Gary shocked me hard.

“Finally, Ashy boy, you woke up.” Gary said and stopped shaking me.

“Thanks for getting me out oh hell.” I told him, gasping for breath.

“Wha, since when did you start cursing?” Gary said, backing away jokingly.

“From now on.” I told him.

~The Ghost Of My Dreams Has Come to Haunt Me~

Itomori Japan, January 31st, 2009
[Serean’s POV]
{Back into their present day}
I was tied up, in a dark damp like room with a cloth shoved in my mouth, preventing me from speaking. I heard water dripping from somewhere to my right and it was causing me to get drowsy. I couldn’t see since I was blindfolded so I could only think and pray.

“Do you think she’s awake, boss?” A squeaky voice said in front of me.

“No and you better not wake her up, I have to examine this.” A deeper voice ordered.

“But boss, what do you need her phone for? You don’t even know her password.” Said the tiny voice again.

“I want to see what we can get from her.” Demanded the tough one.

You won’t get anything from me. I thought in my head and tried to wiggle out of the rope.

“Shit, she’s awake.” The big one said.

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