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Chapter 11~ Maybe We Do Get a Break Sometimes
I looked at the grand piano in the practice room. This room I hung out in even more than my own bedroom but it's so quiet in the house now without Leaf cheering me on while practicing. I sobbed at the sight of Leaf’s favorite doll still on the piano chair, untouched and was gathering bits of dust. I went to gently pick it up and hugged it, tears flowing down my face.

Leaf…it’s only been a few hours after your funeral and I still can’t get the fact why you left me. I cried.

I sat down, still hugging the leafeon doll she got at a PokeCenter, I carefully looked over it to see if there was any damage on it. It seems to be intact, I’m surprised, Leaf can’t even hold a plate without spilling something. I was glad, I can possibly keep it until I grow old, this is one of the many things that will remind me of her. I looked at the billboard at the wall.

“Will go to the supermarket, be back at 2 pm.” Read the note that was pinned to the billboard.

I still remember that note, maybe I should’ve gone with her instead of saying no. I want to murder that driver, she never deserved this, mom never deserved this, I didn’t deserve this, so why?

I started to cry even more. Without mom and Leaf, I’m all alone in the world. I should do one last thing to say goodbye to them, it’s the best we can do.

I started wiping the tears on my face with my sleeve and uncovered the piano cover that refrained from the dust getting onto the piano keys. I took out 枫 (Maple Leaf) by Jay Chou (周杰倫 ) and placed it onto the stand and started playing.

烏雲在我們心裡擱下一塊陰影 (The dark clouds cast a shadow in our hearts.)

我聆聽沈寂已久的心情 (I listen to the mood that has been silent for a long time.)

清晰透明 就像美麗的風景 (Clear and transparent, like a beautiful scenery.)

I sang out loud, playing the piano keys and was crying silently. This is for you, I’ve never played this piece nor sung this song out loud but I loved it, I love it so much I’m playing this to say goodbye.

緩緩飄落的楓葉像思念 (The slowly falling maple leaves resemble longing.)

我點燃燭火溫暖歲末的秋天 (I light candles to warm the autumn at the end of the year.)

極光掠奪天邊 (Aurora plunders the horizon.)

北風掠過想你的容顏 (The north wind passes by and misses your face.)

我把愛燒成了落葉 (I burned my love into fallen leaves.)

卻換不回熟悉的那張臉 (But I can’t replace that familiar face.)

I kept singing, tears streaming down my face as I thought of all the wonderful memories I had with them. I will love you on and on and on. Even if I die I will remember you in my next life.

Once I finished the song, I stopped crying. I realize that nothing will bring them back and I could never love anyone else. Once again my heart is broken, innocence is gone, my sanity- holding on a thin thread, I wanted to die but this song, the song we all we all loved and the one that brought us together is keeping me living. I want to live in their name and as the face of the family now, I’m not going to let people know how weak we are, I’m done being the scrawny shy boy I used to be.

I will live for my family’s reputation till the day I die, no one will stop me.


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