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Chapter 12~ The Light of My Life
I hate my stupid life, I HATE IT! I thought furiously. Both my loved ones are dead, why does it have to be like this?? I was looking over a picture book, seeing my family’s past joy and it’s all reminding me that they were dead.

“Ash, someone's here to see you.” May’s mom said to me, opening the door to the practice room where I was.

“Huh?” I replied, confused.

“I don’t know, come and see.” She said, offering a hand.

I grabbed it and she helped me to get to my feet. We then walked to the door and she dropped me off there and went to the kitchen. I opened the door to find a girl with a straw hat. She had honey colored hair, light blue eyes and was wearing a pink dress with a red ribbon.

“Hi, are you Ash?” She asked me shyly.

“Yes I am,” I replied, “Who are you?”

“Oh, my name is Serena, I would like you to talk to my mom about something.” Serena explained.

“Uh, alright.” I answered.

She held my hand and guided me to her mom. I noticed she had a blue ribbon on her hand, it was really cute. I saw her mom under a tree, she was dressed kind of like Serena but her dress was red instead of pink and she didn’t wear a straw hat, she wore sunglasses instead.

“Hi Ash, I would like to have a chat with you.” She said.

“Yes ma’am.” I replied.

“Oh no need to be so polite to me, Ash, just call me Grace.” She chuckled.

“I like being polite, Ms. Grace.” I smiled at her.

“I like this kid.” She mumbled to Serena, who’s reply was to roll her eyes.

“Ugh, moommmmm!” Serena whined.

“Haha! Now, Ash, come with me.” She said, taking my hand.

We walked over to the park Leaf and I played in and sat at a bench. Autumn leaves started to fall with the colors ranging from red to brown. One landed beside me, it was a golden color with a few brown stains and had the pattern of a hand-like shape but the edges were pointy.

“So… I heard your mom passed.” She said in a sad tone.

“Yeah.” I replied with a straight face.

“... I’m sorry about that, can you help me take care of Serena? I’ll be heading to Hong Kong next week and she’s too young to look after herself.” She said, sighing.

I took a glance behind me to see Serena pouting, “Ahem! I can take care of myself, mother! He’s the same age as me!”

“I can still look after you, you know.” I side-eyed her, smirking.

“ASH!!” Serena yelled, pouting.

I just laughed it off and started walking away. “I’ll see you next week, sunshine girl!”

“Ha, no one wants to be your sunshine girl.” Serena mocked.

Good, I don’t want anyone, I want Leaf back, and mom. I thought sadly but still kept a fake smile on my face.

~Everything Has an End to it, Especially The Good Ones~

Tokyo Japan, February 4th, 2009
[Ash’s POV]
{Back into their present day}
I had Leaf in a tight embrace, happy tears rolling down my face as Leaf hugged me tighter. I opened my eyes to see that my friends were also crying, seeing me and my sister’s reunion. Calem then went over and hugged Serena, who was still crying but hugged him back. All of us are so happy to meet each other, I love you so much… I thought happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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