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Chapter 8~ A Holy Bloodbath
“I’m sorry Ash, she’s gone.” The doctor told me when I was questioned on the phone.

“M-mom is gone?” I asked him again, tears crawling down my face.

“I’m so sorry Ash but would you break the news to your sister, she needs to know too.” He responded.

“How.” I said sternly.

“What? How did she die? Delia was in a fatal car accident while driving to the airport at 11:34 am.” He explained it to me quickly.

“...I don’t want her to know.” I told the doctor. “Leaf will be devastated.”

“I know she will but both you and her deserve to know the truth.” He said.

“Then does my dad know.” I asked.

“He knows, the police also suspect him that he was the one who caused this accident.” He told me.

“How did the car crash?” I was crying but I kept asking questions.

“When the police found the car, the tire seemed to be sanded down on the top left car wheel and it popped mid-drive, then, a car T-boned her car at a green light causing her car to be slammed into a ditch nearby and into a river.” He explained, “Shall we do a video call so that I can show you pictures or should I send it to you via text message?”

“Send it in messages please.” I responded.

When I saw the picture, I was horrified. The car didn’t even look like a car anymore- it was a rebel. There was no more surface metal on the car that was its current shape and the paint was mostly scraped off, two tires were popped and the hood was missing. The trunk was slightly open and was about to break off. When I saw the inside, there was  almost no space to fit a person in the front driver seat, air bags already popped and deflated, the steering wheel was missing and the seats of the car were scratched up.

“Yeah, there is no way she would've survived this.” I sadly told the doctor, sighing at the pictures.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you see her body, by the way.” The doctor said.

“I don't want to see it anyway, I’ll think about telling my sister but she’s sleeping right now, can’t bother her.” I told him, “Maybe I’ll tell her after her nap.”

“Alright, I wish you luck, Ash Ketchum.” The doctor said before hanging up.

“...Thank you.” I muttered after he hung up.

I’m sorry Leaf, I’m not going to tell you, let’s not focus on this.

~There Are Some Things You Have to Keep To Yourself~

Itomori Japan, February 2nd, 2009
[Ash’s POV]

{Back into their present day}
I woke up to almost all darkness and reached for my phone on the table counter. Time displayed as 5: 56 am, February 2nd, 3 New Messages from Google Chat.

Who could possibly message me at this time? I thought, rubbing my eyes.

I then unlocked my phone and went straight into Google Chat and realized that Gary had texted me.

(3:25 pm, yesterday)
[Gary] Yo Ashy boy, I thought you said you’ll come over
[Gary] Call Missed
[Gary] Reply if you see this message

Whoops, sorry Gary. I thought but decided not to respond for now. I looked over at May and Dawn but something seemed off. If I remember correctly, before I fell asleep, the machines were still lit up and beeping, why isn’t it beeping now? I stood up and looked around then saw that someone had plugged out the charger for it and I saw Dawn, having a gun in her hand and her bandage was a bit unwrapped and was the color or rust.

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