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Chapter 10~ There Are Yet More to Come
[Serena’s POV]
I used to think I had a perfect childhood… until my mom met him. My step dad, after my first dad died from saving another girl from a burning building, my mom was devastated but still married another man after my dad’s funeral. His name was Silver Takana and what I know as the worst dad in history. He forced me to do everything when my mom wasn’t home and has assaulted me multiple times.

“No! I don't want to do this anymore!” I screamed at him.

“Well, don’t make me grab the hot iron again.” He replied coldly.

I cried and continued to scream at him which drove him nuts. He then left the living room and I knew what to expect. Seconds later he came in the room with the hot iron and a whip this time.

“No! Dad, please!” I kneeled and begged.

“Too bad kid, you had angered me. Fetch me a beer once this shit is done.” He ordered and whipped me.

I cried the entire time but I had endured the pain. It’s not the worst beating I’ve received from him and this is like only 25% of his actual power. He was a strong dude but he couldn’t beat me to death. Actually, he married my mom because of her money- not her personality or me. I was super angry at that but couldn't tell my mom who was already stressing her ass off with all the stuff she has to do being a single mother.

“Stop crying or it’ll be worse. Now fetch me a fucking beer!” He yelled.

I slowly stood up, wincing at all the burn marks and went into the kitchen to grab a beer from the counter. I headed back and handed it to him which he snatched it out of my hand and spit on me. I was a filthy kid because of him, he would always do stuff to me and almost got me pregnant because mom wasn’t here. Yes, I have been abused and sexually assaulted but the worst part was always the beating I received everyday.

I couldn't look at another guy the same way ever again.


Itomori Japan, February 3rd, 2009
[May’s POV]
{Back in their present day}
Me and Ash had run away from that black bear safely and were near the police station. I gasped for air when I heard Ash doing the same. I bursted out laughing for no reason and it was kind of idiotic of me but Ash caught on and laughed with me.

“W-what's so funny huh?” Ash asked, wheezing.

“Nothing! It’s just, I’m actually having more fun with you then with Max!” I answered him, laughing even more.

“Oh well,” He said, starting to regain his strength and voice from the run and laughter, “I suppose we’re near the police station.”

“I guess, let’s look around more.” I said.

“Oh, May, wanna know what I learned before this whole chaos started?” Ash asked me, grabbing something out of his pocket.

“What is it?” I asked right as he grabbed out a marker.

“I’ll show you! Give me your hand.” He said.

I gave him my hand and he opened the cap to write something on my hand. I only wished that the marker wasn’t permanent and that whatever he was writing or drawing wasn’t shit. As Ash was done, he laughed and pointed to what he wrote.

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