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Chapter 7~ Would You Mind Dying Quieter
After the park incident, I genuinely don’t think there were any good in people left. When I found Leaf in the bathroom crying, I knew I had to step in and give her a speech.

“Hey Leaf.” I said softly, sitting next to her on the bathroom floor.

“Ash, do you think that there are actual good people in the w-world? The ones that really care for you and would never hurt a fly?” Leaf asked me, sniffling.

“Of course, and that person is me.” I told her and hugged her tightly.

“I know you for a fact but what about other people in the world?” Leaf asked again.

“May is a really good person.” I suggested.

“She is good but is there anyone besides her?” She smiled at the thought of May but that quickly disappeared as she cried harder.

“No no no, don’t cry anymore.” I told her, wiping away the tears. “Crying makes you look weak and I know the strong and pretty Leaf in there, right?”

“Mhm, I’ll try to stop.” Leaf said, wiping her leftover tears away and took a deep breath.

“Alright, if you are ready, come out and eat dinner, May made some caramel apples.” I stood up and went out of the bathroom, leaving Leaf to recover.

But what I didn’t think is that Leaf would actually lie to herself and had entered a depression stage. After a few weeks of this, she decided to just kill herself and didn’t want to live anymore.

I’m fine, you don’t have to worry! Take care of yourself and I love you, dead or alive, I will love you forever.

~The Person You Love Might Be Someone Else’s Worst Nightmare~

Itomori Japan, January 31st, 2009
[Ash’s POV]
{Back into their present day}
Lightning flashed by and the hallway lit up again, revealing the ghost-like creature appearing but this time, it was right behind May.

“MAY!! BEHIND YOU! WATCH OUT, WATCH OUT!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

As May turned around, the hallway dimmed again, when it lit up again, only May was present at where she was standing, facing Ash, no creature to be found.

“Ash? What were you screaming about?” May asked, puzzled.

“There was- there was a- a ghost, right b-behind you!” I stuttered, looking around.

“Well, when I turned around, there was nothing so maybe stop yapping for a bit.” May scolded and turned on the light switch.

The hallway lit up from the ceiling lights and I felt way more comfortable with the lights on.

“Okay, better now?” May asked.

“Yeah, thanks May.” I thanked her.

“Next time, you’re turning on the light.” May continued and walked back to where I was sitting and sat right next to me and pulled out her phone.

“Uh, o-okay.” I muttered.

We sat there for a bit again not knowing what to do until 2 police officers came out of the elevator.

“We heard someone scream here, what happened?” Asked one of the officers, holding a pistol in his hand.

“Oh nothing officer, Ash just had a minor panic attack because apparently he just saw a ghost behind me.” May explained to the officers what had just happened.

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